Snes9x mini-hack (Gp:\\snes\)


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2002
Croydon (UK)
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Ok, I've just spend a grand total of 3 minutes hacking the latest version of Snes9xGP to look in GP:\\snes\ instead of GPMM... its a fairly simple thing to pull off (read: you need to be able to follow instructions if you don't know about hex editing, but no special knowledge of what you're *actually* doing is required) and I've no idea of longer term effects (like trying to write to the wrong place - although I doubt it).

I'm not going to post a new hacked ver mainly because I can't be bothered to, but here's the steps of how to do it.

1) Get hold of a Hex editor. For you as don't know what that means, the thing I used was Universal Game Editor, an old dos program that still amazingly does the trick on todays machines. Get that here: .

2) Extract the Snes9x archive in a nice and easy place to find... preferably a root directory or c:\snes9xgp\ or wherever. Its prolly not a good idea to put it inside long file-name folders (a la "program files", "my documents" or similar) but it might well not matter.

3) Press "A" and type in "Snes9xgp hack" (or whatever you want to - makes no difference).

4) Maneuver the file selector to the place where the you stuck snes9xgp.fxe (If you press T, it puts the newest files at the top - which is *very* useful if the directory's fairly full). Then select.

5) Press enter on the hack module files you created ("Snes9xgp hack" or whatever) to go into it.

6) Press T

7) Press F (find)

8) Press T again (finding text) and type in "GPMM" (no quotes)

9) When you get to one, press M (Makes new variable - a thing that you can modify), press enter until there's a list of data types (I think twice) and from the list choose "4 letters". Its just off the screen downwards.

10) Press F, then R (find, repeat previous search) and repeat step 9 until when you press R it says "no more results found".

11) Press Escape to leave the tools bit and go to variable lists - there should be 3 of them called whatever you called them (I just used the default names coz it doesn't matter). Change them to Snes. Good idea to use capitals, but prolly doesn't matter. Not sure...

12) Press escape and you're done. Roms now go in GP:\\SNES\. Snes9xgp.fxe runs from wherever (well, for people who've flashed anyway - those that haven't, stick it in GPMM as per usual).

Ok, I realise a lot of these steps could be shortened, but hopefully I've set it out in such a way as to make it possible for even those as knows nearly nothing about computers to do it. Hope it works for you :)
Thanks the would help the people who dpnt have hexeditors

Pretty simple to 2 edit it its like using wordpad and replacing gpmm with snes but u can't use wordpad kids :P

azure did this a while ago i think he had instructions on it but im not to sure about that anyway thanks for the instructions :)

Its a bit complicated, and I think Step #9 should change the A to a M.

EDIT: Wait, the A is an M?? Did you edit that or did I just see it wrong?
Yeah, it was A at one stage - area just pointed it out to me in IRC so I changed it :)

Evil: Your FXE should be en route as long as I can get my SMTP server working with files that are even approaching larger than 3kb...

I've tested it for about 10 minutes so far with Earthbound - it seemed to work fine, so I'm working on the assumption that there won't be any problems caused pretty much now. Although I could be wrong.

Hope the guide works for eveyone :D
Tobriand, how about a hack of some sort forcing it to run at 160Mhz as well as in the right directory?
'fraid that's above me pip - I can do directories of equal length to the old ones, but CPU speeds needs someone more experienced - which ain't me.
Sorry :)
okay i am most of the way there.
is there a way to make it read in gomm/snes instead of just snes?
(so i can access the same roms that snesemu is using - and that emu looks in gpmm/snes)

i tried hexediting and chaning to GPMM/SNES but it only gives you four spaces to put letters into. maybe i will mess with it some more.
You can't. Only four letters in the fxe are assigned for the directory can only replace or remove letters (if you remove, end it with 0x00). No additions :(