Snes, Snes My Snes


Dec 23, 2003
Near Southampton (UK)
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Well i just got a sens off ebay which im absolutely delited with, i got:
Snes console (obviously)
2 official controllers
Double Dragon
Super Mario kart
Super Mario world
Puggsleys scavenger hunt
Street Racer
Street fighter 2 turbo

Just one thing I'd like to know wot other games are worth buyin, and also does ne1 have ne they cud sell to me???
What do you have, PAL or NTSC? If you have a PAL like me, I advise you to grab your soldering iron and get 60Hz out of your console. Games that I recommend....

Ogre Battle
Secret of Mana
Secret of Evermore
Final Fantasy 3
Demon's Crest
Illusion of Time

and definately CHRONO TRIGGER, the best RPG the SNES has to offer.
Ernest posted on Apr 19 2004 at 06:33 PM said:
Um yeh at how exactly do i get 60hz from it with a solderin can u send me a how to link or sumink. provides a tutorial, it really does pay off to modify your console... looks a lot better. If you are looking for games: I have a large collection and would be prepared to sell some games that I have double, but they are all German ;)
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well im lookin for a shoot em up like r-type
i dont mind if their in german as long i can navigate the menus
wot exactly do u have and how much u willin to sell em for?
Sorry, Shooters are a rare sight in my collection....

EDIT: But if you are looking for suggestions, Vortex is pretty advanced and nice, Parodius is of course a classic..... and well, that's about all I really know.
U.N. Squadron was one of my favorites, and although its not a horizontal shooter (its vertical) try Space Megaforce (also one of my favorites). Both are great and run ok on the gp at 133 with no sound if u wanna try em out. :)
If you like games like R-Type how about R-Type 3 or Super R-Type? Super Aleste is an excellent vertical scrolling shooter too.

Super Metroid and Super Castlevania IV are stunningly good!

PS I'll happily sell you Vortex too because it's bloody awful and no one would even give me £1 for it on Ebay! :D
Mega Man 7;X;X2;X3
Demon's Crest
Gun Force
Killer Instinct
Donkey Kong Country
Earthworm Jim 1 & 2
Chrono Trigger
Super Punchout
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse
Final Fantasy 3
Secret of Mana
Secret of Evermore
Final Fight
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the 7 Stars
Super Mario World: 2 Yoshi's Island
Prince Of Persia
Star Fox
Mortal Kombat 2
Phalanx: The Enforcer Fighter
Super Castlevania IV
Super Metroid

Super Gameboy (device to let you play gb & gbc games on your snes)

next buy a sega cd. They're dirt cheep and plentiful. I think that Genesis is way cooler than the Snes but Snes has the best game library of any console.