Small Room Computing

Sep 7, 2003
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I am soon to be moving into a very nice (but small) University self catering hall thingy.

I dont want my room cluttered with loadsa stuff, but want to take both a Laptop and my desktop with me. I dont want to take a monitor or TV though.

Does anybody know of any Laptops which will allow me to use the screen as a monitor for a desktop?

The only other option I can think of is to network the laptop and desktop and control the desktop using VNC (which fullscreen wouldnt be too bad). This option is not ideal though as VNC wouldnt kick in untill Windows/ Linux has booted.

Anyone have any solutions?
pubjoe posted on Aug 19 2004 at 01:29 PM said:
This isn't the suggestion you want, but why not sell your desktop and buy a laptop with a docking unit that has your desktop's features?
way way too expensive.

A decent gaming laptop with say 160gb HD and 1Gb of RAM would cost WELL in excess of £1000. Plus I prefer desktops because they are easier/ cheaper to upgrade making them a kindof running project for me.

I think I'll just use VNC or Remote Desktop, and control my Desktop with the laptop in fullscreen. It shouldnt be too bad. I was under the supid illusion that RD or VNC only started when Windows was fully booted, but this has now been corrected to me and this seems a much better plan now.

I'd all but forgotten about this thread.....
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