Site "problems"

Sep 7, 2003
Visit site
Whenever I go to a particular page on the address bar just states EG- when i click board, the adress bar doesnt show "", it just shows "".

This is annoying when refreshing etc. It is the same for me at many different places with many different computers and several different browsers. Other sites dont seem to have this problem, so I am just wondering what causes it.

Also, I have recently noticed that when loading the front page, it flashes up for a second
and then dissapears, meaning the only way to access anything is to type the full extension, eg- "". Again this has happened with different browsers.......

Just thought I would share these things and hopefully get some fixes/ guidance.
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I find this extremely annoying too.

This is caused by the use of FRAMES. You can see that even if you visit other pages linked through here, the URL will always remain even if the page is on another server.

What you can do to avoid this is: instead of just clicking on the links, do a right click and select OPEN IN A NEW WINDOW. The link will open in a new window and it will not be enclosed in frames, so the URL will be the correct one and you can refresh all you want.

Another thing I do not like is when you click on a link, like to see Blue Angelo's New Pictures, the link opens in the same window as so if by mistake you close the page after seeing the pics you then realize you dont have anymore. I think the link should open automatically in a NEW WINDOW, that way we get to stay at and still visit the link.
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Everyone deals with this. It don't bother me to much but i hope this problem can be solved.
nice one. I thought the problem would be site wide, but now I have a nice new bookmark ( and its working nicely.

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The website administrator could solve this in less than 2 seconds by getting rid of the frames.

<frameset border="0" frameborder="0" rows="*,0">
  <frame name="toaap" src="" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0">
  <frame name="mainaaaa" src="" NORESIZE>

The SECOND frame is not even used here i think, so you dont need it.

Or we can all just access by going directly to

This way you wont experience the frame problem. So update your bookmarks to the link I used above.
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jcbnetwork posted on Apr 19 2004 at 11:48 PM said:
The website administrator could solve this in less than 2 seconds by getting rid of the frames.

<frameset border="0" frameborder="0" rows="*,0">
  <frame name="toaap" src="" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0">
  <frame name="mainaaaa" src="" NORESIZE>

The SECOND frame is not even used here i think, so you dont need it.

Or we can all just access by going directly to

This way you wont experience the frame problem. So update your bookmarks to the link I used above.
Adds link to bookmark :)
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Frames are used mainly to get rid of those variables in url. As all gp32x scripts except of board were written by me, i actually not sure if there are no bugs that could lead into hacking page by some 12 years old l33t HaX0r. Of course i've checked all my scripts :) and there should be no any dangerous but, well, some of you rember that gp32x was hacked some time ago. and as i found it later it was possible due bug actually in board scripts. So to make people to not mess gp32x i just hide it. This is a common method used by many sites. well it can be annoying so i wil ltry to solve it or rather to make another more comfortable for you solution.

Another thing I do not like is when you click on a link, like to see Blue Angelo's New Pictures, the link opens in the same window as so if by mistake you close the page after seeing the pics you then realize you dont have anymore. I think the link should open automatically in a NEW WINDOW, that way we get to stay at and still visit the link.
This one can be actually fixed. It just need a "target" marker in the link script :) I will fix it.

The SECOND frame is not even used here i think, so you dont need it.
Well, actually thanks to that second frame is still online, has no annoing pop out windows or banner for half of the page :) It is a tracking code (which actually in many cases is blocked by everything besides IE ;) of refferal program. As you probably noticed there is only a Lik Sang banner on site so when someone decides to buy something from them, and comes to them throug banner, they pay me a few bucks from referal program. i generating up to 1 gigabyte traffic everyday what makes about 30 giga every month (and is still growing). our database exceeded 100 mb size (board tables alone use about 90% of it), our download section uses about 400 mb. Check prices from the hosting company near you and you will see that it costs. Maybe those are not big sums for most of you but they still are. Of course I can still afford paying bills but those additional money i get, makes that my wife does not shout for me for spending our own money for things she doesnt understands ;) (as a typical woman she thinks that an 30 year old man should not play games and gp32 is not usefull at all in everyday life ;))
I do not want to make paypay account and beg people: send me some bucks.. etc like some sities do :). Even if I would like to do it I cannot do it as a condition to creating PayPal account is living everywhere but not in Poland (seems we are not humans for PayPal ;)).
So this is the easiest way. No pop outs, no begging for money, no 10.000 banners :) Only a hidden frame with tracking code (notice that i even dont post everyday - "buy from lik-sang", i dont delete those post where people say "...i bought mine GP32 from XXX and i reccomend it...".
I will try find another way to make it less annoying and I hope i've cleared all your doubts :)
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The moral of this story-

If you are ever going to buy something from liksang, make sure you navigate to their site through the banner on

asking the community for donations to keep the site going is not begging. Its our community so we should contribute to its running if it gets expensive. Maybe you should get somebody from outside Poland to open a paypal account for GP32x.

Thanks for providing such a great site. :)
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I've been having a hell of a time getting logged in recently. Evertime I try logging in it would act like I was in but then would say at the top "Welcome Guest". After checking this thread I just realized that I was still using the old url from my favorites or something like that. I just switched everything to and all works perfectly now. So a big thanks to those that posted those links here, it really helped me out. :)
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