Pandora Single Line Scripts In System Pnd's


Jun 25, 2010
Given that there are a limited number of loop device and more importantly other resources like memory are in use when a pnd is mounted and run, I was surprised to see a number of system pnd's containing a single line calling scripts in /usr/pandora/scripts

The .desktop file contains a command to run namely its its exec entry, when a menu or desktop item is clicked

for example toggle wifi

/usr/pandora/scripts/ -p "/usr/pandora/apps//op_wifi.pnd" -e "" -b "op_wifi"

looking in op_wifi.pnd we have the script

sudo /usr/pandora/scripts/

What I am struggling to understand is why not just have the

sudo /usr/pandora/scripts/

in the .desktops exec line then you wouldn't need to have the pnd...

What am I missing here?
So it shows up in mmenu, which only enumerates pnd-files currently .. so ED made up pnds for all those little applets. One of these days I may add to mmenu so it can parse .desktop files to pick up random sundry things like that. (and if pndnotifyd is running, mmenu can just use the .desktop files entirely, and ignore rescanning apps itself.)

Those scripts tend to be used and die.. they do not linger, and there fore they do not use loopbacks or memory, so not generally a problem at all.
