

Still Fresh
Jun 5, 2010
Hi all,

Before I start looking into this myself, is anyone out there working on porting this emulator over to the wiz? There is a gp2x version and it has the source code available.

I would love to have this emulator working on the wiz so I could play my old Duck Hunt game I wrote for the FRED Disk Magazine back in my infancy :D

I'm not sure if there would ever be any hope of me porting it as I've not done any GP2X/WIZ stuff before so I expect it would be a fairly steep learning curve!

Would really appreciate it if someone who knows what they are doing could take a look at this. It would be a shame to have an emulator on the gp2x and not have it ported to our wizzes.

Thanks, Matt.
i think you should contact the author/porter directly - zx-81 has done this for the gp2x and also has ported some of his gp2x emus to wiz already. so he might be the one who can help you out... try to contact him as he's active on this forum, too.

next time please include some relevant links (link to source, link to binary) to your post as this would save some time...

for the record:
Spoke to zx81 and he saidi that he didn't realise that people wanted the emulator on the wiz. He is going to see about porting it across now he knows that at least one person will aprreciate it :)

So everyone look out for SimCoupe coming to a Wiz near you soon hopefully!

Another Emulator for the Wiz can never be a bad thing! Viva La Sam Coupe :D


crow_riot said:
i think you should contact the author/porter directly - zx-81 has done this for the gp2x and also has ported some of his gp2x emus to wiz already. so he might be the one who can help you out... try to contact him as he's active on this forum, too.

next time please include some relevant links (link to source, link to binary) to your post as this would save some time...

for the record:
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Hi Matt,

It's on the way, but i spent hours to figure out why disk wasn't loading properly. There is a @$(@%$ in gcc version i used for the wiz. The pading and alignment strategy of gcc-wiz is different from all others gcc version i've used (for linux, psp, gp2x-f100 etc ...). The wiz dev env is a real nightmare as always with this USB that doesn't work.

Anyway, the good news is that i've succeed to run manic miner on the sam, full speed (but with tearing issue since i'm not using latest fw version & sdl libs). I'm still facing a bug that prevent the game to start automatically, i've press F9 myself to boot the disk :( ...
zx-81 said:
but with tearing issue since i'm not using latest fw version & sdl libs

he can use ikari's sdl if it bugs him too much. it has compatibility issues iirc, though.
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zx-81 said:
Hi Matt,

It's on the way, but i spent hours to figure out why disk wasn't loading properly. There is a @$(@%$ in gcc version i used for the wiz. The pading and alignment strategy of gcc-wiz is different from all others gcc version i've used (for linux, psp, gp2x-f100 etc ...). The wiz dev env is a real nightmare as always with this USB that doesn't work.

Anyway, the good news is that i've succeed to run manic miner on the sam, full speed (but with tearing issue since i'm not using latest fw version & sdl libs). I'm still facing a bug that prevent the game to start automatically, i've press F9 myself to boot the disk :( ...

Can't wait :)

I'm personally not bothered about the F9 issue as for nostalgia value I would prefer to hit the f9 key to boot a game (yes i'm sad). But I suppose for other people it would make their lives easier!

How bad is the tearing issue. There wasn't really any sam games that had fast sideways scrolling so I can't imagine it being that visible.

Is there any touchscreen emualtion in simcoupe? I know it's prob asking a lot but there were a few games that used the sam mouse (including my duck hunt game). It would be great if this could be emulated on the wiz but I completely understand if it's not already implemented. I don't expect you to spend a year re-writing an emu just so it can play duck hunt written by a 15 year old kid, he he.

I had better start downloading some disk images :-)

Thanks for the progress update. Let us know when you want some testing done.

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PS. My duck hunt game was on FRED Disk Magazine Issue 55 if you wanted to test it :P

Just playing it on pc, i'm a kid all over again. In all honesty though it did suck :P

Croccy22 said:
PS. My duck hunt game was on FRED Disk Magazine Issue 55 if you wanted to test it :P

Just playing it on pc, i'm a kid all over again. In all honesty though it did suck :P


You may give it a try :

I will publish official release this weekend i guess.
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Wow, thanks a lot for this! Can't believe how quickly you've done it :)

Only tried a couple of things so far but seems to work perfect. I like the onscreen keyboard to, really easy to use!

I can't see any options for mouse emulation, I'm guessing the gp2x version didn't have mouse support? Would be great if you could use the touchscreen or even just the dpad so games like lemmings (and duck hunt) would then be playable.

Thanks again!



zx-81 said:
Croccy22 said:
PS. My duck hunt game was on FRED Disk Magazine Issue 55 if you wanted to test it :P

Just playing it on pc, i'm a kid all over again. In all honesty though it did suck :P


You may give it a try :

I will publish official release this weekend i guess.
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Thanks for another excellent emulator, everything seems fine apart from sometimes bits of the screen are left behind on the left & right hand sides of the screen after loading a game and a few other little niggles mainly about the menu screens and the trouble after exiting which I've mentioned before (on posts about your previous ports)

To reduce the tearing add the file (from the Wiz SDL Library) into the same folder as the .gpe (Get it from here:,0,0,0,23,271 )
I've put a copy of this file (I'm using the one from the 'SDL-Normal' folder) in with every game, emulator and application that zx-81 has ported and the screen tearing has gone. :)

Edit: Wiz-Int (the Intellivision emulator) doesn't work with this fix, it just crashes back to the Wiz screen. (I've tried the normal & fast versions of the file) :(

As for Mr 2X's question about emulators. I see these have all been done on the PSP by zx81, but not all of them have been ported to the Wiz. (yet!)

Atari 2600
Atari 5200
Atari 7800
BBC Micro -
Commodore -
GameBoy Adv -
HP 48 -
PC Engine -
Sinclair -
Tandy Coco -
Thomson MO5 -
Thomson TO7
TI 92
TI 99
Vectrex -

Cheers, Neil