Shock Troopers Base Defense Bugs


Still Fresh
Dec 27, 2009
Austin, Tx
Hi Everyone! ^_^ I've been using a GP2X for over a year now and I just got a Wiz. I recently downloaded Shock Troopers Base Defense and so far I appear to be the only one having these bugs so I thought I would post them here to see if anyone has them.

Bug 1. When on the Title Screen, the Menu button makes the Title disappear and nothing else is able to be done on the Screen.
Bug 2. Level 6 does not start (The enemies appear off the screen. if I place a soldier down near the entrance, they shoot off the screen but I never get money and after a while it gets very laggy, I'm assuming they are all stacking there for some reason)

There are 2 different executables std.gpe and stdg.gpe both appear to do the same thing. I've had bug 1 since I first put the game on my SD card. Bug 2 has started since I reached level 6. I checked the original boards at gp32spain, but it's all in Spanish. As far as I can tell the developer stated that all of the levels were able to be completed along with the boss level. I noticed someone mentioned level 5, but I think he was having trouble passing the level. I'm not sure I couldn't read the page very well.

If anyone else has any other info, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

if you have bug 1, I've been able to exit the game by Holding the L+R and pressing the Menu Button.
Hi man! Sorry for not say anything in all this time! I have found this post just now.
Sorry for my bad english... i'm spanish.

You are right, the bugs 1 and 2 are knowed bugs. Level 6 to 20 don't start because they are not coded yet... sorry. This game was made for a competition and i run out of time.

The final version of this game will be released with full campaign, ajusted gameplay, stats, and more.

For now, i'm just finishing my next project for the BennuGD contest


Screenshots of my entry:


After the contest finish, i will concentrate in Shock Troopers Base Defense final release.

I understood your English well enough. I speak bad Spanish(Texas/Mexico Spanish not Spain Spanish) ^_^ I can't write it, but I can read it pretty well.

Thank you for letting me know, about the issues. It is an awesome game by the way. So far it's the best defense game I've found for the Wiz. I look forward to seeing your next projects.
