Shanghai v2 released


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
potA released Shanghai / Mahjongg for the WIZ.


I guess there's no one who doesn't know Mahjongg, right?

Download: Shanghai v2

Thanks to for the news.
Or "Mahjong Solitaire", not to be confused with actual Mahjong. If you want to play that there are like a thousand for PC-Engine.
I like to see this game in the Wiz. BTW, Exophase ¿Are you going to port gpSP to the Wiz? It will be amazing to have a good GBA emulator in the new console.
hardyx said:
I like to see this game in the Wiz. BTW, Exophase ¿Are you going to port gpSP to the Wiz? It will be amazing to have a good GBA emulator in the new console.

Hm, I can't get notaz or zodttd to do it for me since they don't have a Wiz. It breaks my heart to try to deal with the GP2X code :( I might do it anyway though -_- If you can accept a port that has the same problems that version does..

Right now I refuse to do anything substantial on the Wiz, until I can find a way to quickly transfer files to it without swapping SD cards. This is just unacceptable to me. Maybe if I ever find Squidge he can help me debug it, but I fear that something could be wrong with my BoB...
Exophase said:
It breaks my heart to try to deal with the GP2X code :( I might do it anyway though -_- If you can accept a port that has the same problems that version does..
Right now I refuse to do anything substantial on the Wiz, until I can find a way to quickly transfer files to it without swapping SD cards. This is just unacceptable to me.
You could simply recompile your GP2X code for Wiz, you will make happy a lot of people. If chinesse can do with your code, you can make it better :wink:. GPH has a developers BoB for Wiz, and they are working in a network accesory.
hardyx said:
Exophase said:
It breaks my heart to try to deal with the GP2X code :( I might do it anyway though -_- If you can accept a port that has the same problems that version does..
Right now I refuse to do anything substantial on the Wiz, until I can find a way to quickly transfer files to it without swapping SD cards. This is just unacceptable to me.
You could simply recompile your GP2X code for Wiz, you will make happy a lot of people. If chinesse can do with your code, you can make it better :wink:. GPH has a developers BoB for Wiz, and they are working in a network accesory.

Chinese are using a MIPS CPU and are basing it off of the PSP version, which was more mature. There are big differences between it and the GP2X version. Yes, I have the BoB, but it's very cumbersome to develop over it without a functioning USB interface. My options are limited to either transferring over RS232, which is very slow (takes over a minute to upload Temper for instance, in addition to setting up the transfer) or swapping the SD card. When I develop things I usually have to make many changes and test them thereafter. Nothing ever works out as being a simple recompile. Having to constantly insert and remove the SD card is very frustrating, especially when you have to leave the directory and unmount it on the Wiz. It's also not good for the hardware involved. I actually broke an SD reader doing this, because I inserted it backwards one too many times. So my options are either risky/annoying or highly time consuming. The Wiz has USB support, there's no reason why ethernet over USB shouldn't be an option for me, but lo and behold it doesn't work (neither does USB mass storage). This is on both Linux and Windows, where I've confirmed USB ethernet access to both GP2X and Pandora. It makes me think I have a bad BoB. If there's a cable for doing it w/o the BoB, as there'd really have to be if over USB is the only way to charge this thing (although they could be idiots and just connect the power lines instead of the USB signals), then I'd like to have one so I can try it instead.

I'm sure I could manage to port the GP2X version of gpSP, but that version is behind the code I have now and I'm not really happy with using it. My current code is not mature enough to be used in anything, especially not off of the x86 version. Things have changed in how I code since I wrote gpSP, and it was always a bit of a dirty and rushed job since I did it in a short timespan. I want to do a major overhaul, if not a rewrite of the entire emulator, but this would take a lot of time and focus that I don't really know if I have. I can probably get myself to do a simple port of the GP2X version, which was especially rushed, but I doubt I could bring myself to do much to change it since it'd be counterproductive.
Exophase sorry me for my maybe annoying question, but will you port on wiz your masterpiece TEMPER?

It's an emulator I really love, and I'd like to have on my wiz so much...


Maybe a mod wouldn't mind splitting this topic off, I feel kinda bad polluting a release thread this much :/