aliking said:It's kind of win:win:win:win, no?
What the hell have I started!?
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aliking said:It's kind of win:win:win:win, no?
Well it doesn't affect you personally so why are you getting your panties twisted in a knot over this? If someone is dumb enough to buy it, FUCKING LET THEM IT'S NOT YOUR PROBLEM.sold said:Scalping is fucking low. Its the lowest form of enterprise imho. Especially when it applies to a project such as this. Leeching off the devs is detrimental to the reputation of the community and a low blow to everyone who has worked so hard for such a product to exist.
I am experiencing tough times financially atm. So I gave up my pre-order slot so someone else can buy one of the limited amount being produced in the first batch. I could have still bought a Pandora and tried to sell it to some impatient person who missed out at a ridiculous price. But I didn't. And I wouldn't because it is against my values to do so.
I don't expect everyone to see eye to eye with me, but I don't agree with people making money off the hard work of others, be it an electronics device, concert tickets, passes to sporting events, or anything else. Period.
Truthfully the OLPC situation is quite a specific one, for every one you bought, you also donated one to the the third world. And it was only open to the US and Canada. So in this situation, the kids and the guy only got OLPCS because I bought them. Go me.sold said:Did you need 3 OLPCs? I bet the dude that bought them off you and the children in the third world countries that needed them would have had an easier time getting them if it wasn't for all the people who tried to capitalize on the situation, which in turn defeats the purpose of the OLPC program in the first place.
What you and many others were doing makes sense monetarily, but I don't think that kind of behavior is ethical.
Bottom line, IMO people should only buy what they need, not scalp and extort people in the so called "market" that they help create by being unscrupulous in the name of profit off the backs of other peoples hard work just because they can.
still possible, but I feel like Italians will be on top of the list of the people I will ask when the Pandora arrives to meChaosstorm said:Meh.. i'm not in the first batch.. and i also dont live in italyyoure not going 2 send it to any where in europe?
CandidStan said:Well it doesn't affect you personally so why are you getting your panties twisted in a knot over this? If someone is dumb enough to buy it, FUCKING LET THEM IT'S NOT YOUR PROBLEM.sold said:Scalping is fucking low. Its the lowest form of enterprise imho. Especially when it applies to a project such as this. Leeching off the devs is detrimental to the reputation of the community and a low blow to everyone who has worked so hard for such a product to exist.
I am experiencing tough times financially atm. So I gave up my pre-order slot so someone else can buy one of the limited amount being produced in the first batch. I could have still bought a Pandora and tried to sell it to some impatient person who missed out at a ridiculous price. But I didn't. And I wouldn't because it is against my values to do so.
I don't expect everyone to see eye to eye with me, but I don't agree with people making money off the hard work of others, be it an electronics device, concert tickets, passes to sporting events, or anything else. Period.
If you are not bright enough to see how such behavior is EVERYBODY'S PROBLEM, then maybe you should stfu.
sold said:If you are not bright enough to see how such behavior is EVERYBODY'S PROBLEM, then maybe you should stfu.
Enough with the hostility. Scalping may be morally abhorrent to some, but it is certainly not illegal. The only way we could "prevent" price gouging would be to have some sort of EULA that forbids reselling above a certain price. Not only is this legally questionable (similar reselling restrictions in the other direction have not held up well in court) but it is clearly more oppressive and detrimental to end users than the price gouging it may or may not prevent.
When demand outpaces supply, there will always be people looking to cash in on it. Whether you like it or not, that's how free markets work. Getting confrontational on a message board is certainly not going to change anything, so just chill out.