Sdl_Ttf Compiling In Visual Studio


Still Fresh
Apr 14, 2011
Hello, I've joined these forums to hopefully get some help with an issue I've been having with sdl_ttf.

For my university course we are creating games for the GP2X. One feature I would like to have text output to the screen so some googling brought me to sdl_ttf. I got it working fine when the game compiles in windows.

My problem is compiling for the linux version of the game. Visual studio is set up so that it compiles both versions of the game.
Has anyone else compiled sdl_ttf in visual studio and if so, what steps did you take to get it working.

I should also note I tried using the linux includes for the linux version but it didn't work so there probably lies my problem.

If anyone can help I would be eternally grateful. Thanks!
Wow, at which university do you are? I should plan a semester abroad in your town. ^^
I never tried to compile a gp2x game within VS, at the moment I even don't use Windows for it.
So the only tipp I am able to give you is to try the "normal" framework.
Here you get a few help:
and here you get the newer, better and with super cow power open2x toolchain:

greetings, Ziz
If it's any help the visual studio project uses devkitGP2X to compile for the gp2x. I can compile normally without the sdl_ttf components added.

Also as you were wondering I go to Teesside University and do a Computer Games Programming course.
Did you get an error message like a linker error?
When there is a linking error the linux version doesn't compile at all. That is what its doing. What files to do I need to be including for the linux version?