Sd Card Tiotest Benchmark Results


Active Member
Mar 29, 2006
I just found a neat little program that will benchmark your sd card reads & writes.
so if we all run it and post the name of our sd card peope can look up these results and decide which sd card they'll go buy.

just download tiotest from the archive here,1,0,0,8,1437 and run it it will show a black screen for a few seconds and afterwards it'll have created a results.txt file where your sd card benchmark results are in.

i'll go first. (i've posted it in code quotes so it doesn't mess up the table)

Tiotest results for 1 concurrent io threads:
| Item				  | Time	 | Rate		 | Usr CPU  | Sys CPU |
| Write		   1 MBs |	4.0 s |   0.251 MB/s |   0.0 %  |  99.8 % |
| Random Write	4 MBs |	5.0 s |   0.783 MB/s |   0.0 %  |  99.8 % |
| Read			1 MBs |	0.0 s |  41.044 MB/s |   0.0 %  |  82.1 % |
| Random Read	 4 MBs |	0.1 s |  41.904 MB/s |  10.7 %  |  85.8 % |
Tiotest latency results:
| Item		 | Average latency | Maximum latency | % >2 sec | % >10 sec |
| Write		|		0.169 ms |		2.563 ms |  0.00000 |   0.00000 |
| Random Write |		0.046 ms |		0.193 ms |  0.00000 |   0.00000 |
| Read		 |		0.086 ms |		0.217 ms |  0.00000 |   0.00000 |
| Random Read  |		0.081 ms |		0.164 ms |  0.00000 |   0.00000 |
| Total		|		0.077 ms |		2.563 ms |  0.00000 |   0.00000 |
| Read			1 MBs |	0.0 s |  41.044 MB/s |   0.0 %  |  82.1 % |
| Random Read	 4 MBs |	0.1 s |  41.904 MB/s |  10.7 %  |  85.8 % |

These are most likely because the data was read from the cache, and not the SD card, so will not give accurate results. The cache should be cleared between the write and read results to get the accurate figures. (looking at the source code for the SD driver, 41MB/s is impossible).
As this is a direct port from the Linux version, I've included a script to modify the command line options for those not using the kernel with network support. By default I entered a file of 1Mb per thread, only for testing purposes, not for the real benchmarking.

Try to increase the filesize per thread to something larger than the amount of memory that the gp2x has. So increase to 64 Mb or more to get usefull results and avoid caching.

Modify the -f option and sit down for a while :) with a filesize of 64 Mb, it takes much longer to complete the test.