scummvm 5.0


Active Member
May 26, 2003
I know we have a old version of scummvm already :P although I'm now ready to play Beneath a steel sky on my favorite toy, I know there is a bug fix version of scummvm coming up soon, but with SDL becoming practical on the gp32, I'm hoping we will become an offical port with none of the scary overclocking business. I noticed an excellent guide for slimming the distribution down for the pocketpc port.

BTW. my other wish is for Lbreakout (not 2) to be ported its the right resolution, I'm almost ready to get my feet wet myself with SDL I just want something a little smaller for now any suggestions?
Cool! Please let it support mp3 encoding of the audio...! That would allow lot smaller file sizes for voice and music!
zimba posted on Aug 6 2003 said:
Cool! Please let it support mp3 encoding of the audio...! That would allow lot smaller file sizes for voice and music!
Getting MAD (MP3 support) working in SCUMMVM on the GP without crashes could be a real sod.

I think getting Tremor (the integer only OGG decoder) working under GP SCUMM would be far easier.
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I think that MP3 or OGG support is impossible because the GP32 hasn't enough power for that. Current version only works well (without sound crackles)overclocking to 166 MHz so adding MP3 decoding isn't feasible.
A600 posted on Aug 6 2003 said:
I think that MP3 or OGG support is impossible because the GP32 hasn't enough power for that. Current version only works well (without sound crackles)overclocking to 166 MHz so adding MP3 decoding isn't feasible.
It would take a lot of reworking of the backend I grant you and probably compiling under ADS (with the newest GP32 SDK for more robust sound/tighter code) but I think it's just in the region of possible but definitely improbable.

I have done some playing with getting MAD working in gpSCUMM and had no luck at all but Tremor is very portable and CPU cycle friendly and works on the GP with a relatively little amount of work.

From talking to one of the SCUMMVM core developers it would appear that both BASS and Simon1/2 stand a very good chance of working if the GP backend is updated to .5 due to them now supporting one of the main init routines used by the Lucasarts games.
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