Screwed Up My Chatboard


Mar 20, 2004
England(north east)
ok heres my problem
whilst trying to save money i chose 2 make my own chatboard but was distracted by a alien when i was soldering so screwed up and snapped off a the pins were the blue and white wires go( or i could just be a novice solderer), is there another place i could solder them , Thisfaq i used said there is two different ways but only provided a pic for one and i dont undderstand the pin numbering or is my chatboard just dead now, any help on were else to solder the wires would be great thanxs
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posting a pic would be help.

YES, there is alternative points that you can solder to by the way

Do you have a Continuity tester?? (You touch 2 points and it beeps if it makes a circuit) cos that will help u find the points :)
when u snap off the original connector theree are 11 pins that went into it which you solder onto isnt there i have snapped them off so now there is just a lil browny coloured rectangle, has anyone got a really good faq? does this help you help me
well i just heatet the connector end bend it off, you have to be realy rough to lift the conenctions, or you solder way to hot/long.
and you can solder the the nex refering solder point, try to fidn them by yourself, shouldnt be to hard