Screen Protector Dust Removal.

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Dec 18, 2005
Northumberland UK
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For anyone with dust stuck under the screen protector, i've just found a way that might help you. My bit of offending dust was in the bottom left on the e-book icon.
Anyway my daughter got some crummy baloon sculpture kit for xmas off a cheapskate relative. twenty mins ago she asked me to blow one of those long thin ones used to model dogs when an idea struck me. Turning off my 2x i built up the static by rubbing it in her hair then rubbed the balloon in a direction to move the dust towards the edge of the screen. It worked. I now have a clear screen. Hope this helps others.
Why didnt yo urub it in your own hair? But yes thats a good idea. I dont know if any GP2x components are static sensitive though. You could most likely fry the CPU.
Why didnt yo urub it in your own hair? But yes thats a good idea. I dont know if any GP2x components are static sensitive though. You could most likely fry the CPU.

Because if his avatars anything to go by he wouldnt get very far :P :P
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It sounds like a good idea but I completely forgotten about static sensitive components, so maybe its not a great idea to try this
This can in no way fry your GP2X or CPU. Unless your taking your GP2X apart and the static discharges to a component on the PCB. This is just an electrical attraction between the balloon and a speck of dust. If you don't feel safe, shut the GP2X off first like he did. Other wise, I can't possibly see how this could damage the unit.

Great idea by the way! I too thought that I had a dustless speck free install. Just the other day though... a little speck creeped in some how. Can't fine it now, it buggered off. If he comes back though I'll be sure to do the balloon trick.

Wonder if this would work on my FLU... I don't think they make a balloon big enough though! That's a lot of dust.
Well I only rubbed on the screen protector and as I said my 2x was switched off.there has been no change to my 2x. With the case intact I wouldnt think that there was much chance of damage.. (prepare self for comeback)