Sam & Max: Hit The Road Assistance


Active Member
May 6, 2006
Hi, I've been playing through Sam and Max on the GP2X ScummVM, I'm dying to play through it all cause it supposed to be one of the best PC games ever, also as I've just bought the new Sam and Max games but want to leave them until after I'm done with Hit the Road.

However, I cant for the life of me complete the Whack a Rat mini game (which is important for progressions). I'm sure it's not too hard on a mouse, but on the GP2X's joystick it seems almost impossible (best I can get is 15 out of 20). I know I've heard a few people saying they've played through this game on the GP2X so I guess it can be done, but not by me.

So I was wondering if anyone could complete this minigame for me please, and send me the save game.
This is the link to my existing save game: (played in the latest version of ScummVM)

(Note: I tried running it on the PC version however it doesn't recognise the latest save states)

Well, you're not alone, many people can't get past it... Nor did i.

granny posted this possible solution on the forums a while ago:

I didn't beat this game also for some time. The trick for me was to only whack the rats horizontal. Then you just(!) have to move left and right and that makes the game easier. Btw I didn't use the latest scummvm but the one before the latest. Give it a try and let us know. It might take some practice but makes it a lot easier.
Darn. Thanks for the suggestion, I tried concentrating on the diagonal (top left to bottom right) cause they seemed to be very near, however it's still insanely tricky. I'm dreading that I'm going to have to start again from scratch on the PC now :(
I think you should be able to load your saved game into the windows version of ScummVM, complete, then reload into gp2x. This worked on the gp32 version.


EDIT: Just tried and it fails to load in the windows version! This did previously work with the gp32 as mentioned, this is how I got around the bug that made the whack-rat game freeze. There may be some way of loading into the windows version tho, just not that easy!
Unless the version of SamnMax I have is different, maybe it still worth trying at your end.

0.9.1 GP2X saves <> 0.9.1 PC/Mac saves (unless there is something odd, been a while since I did this).

So you can complete Wack-A-Rat on the PC if you must ;) or pop a mouse in the GP2X via a BoB and do it that way ;). I realise it is hard to do with the stick but there is not a lot I can do about it (it can be done, I have done it).

As for the latest versions, there are newest 0.10.0 SVN builds (saves may not work on the PC 0.10.0 SVN builds, depends on date) on my site that have improved support for Sam & Max among other fixes but nothing specific for the Wack-A-Rat game.
Oh I wasn't suggesting that there was anything wrong with ScummVM. This is just one of those things where a joystick can't replace a mouse :)
Thanks for the tips, I did try to load it up on the pc but it just says it's an unsupported save file.

Maybe now I know what I'm doing I can just charge through the game on the PC :)

Oh and I'll give the new gp2x scumm version a go, thanks for mentioning it :)
Ah Ha! Nailed it! Ok the trick is if you just concentrate on the top middle and bottom holes, position the pointer so that it can get all three in one vertical line (just to the right of the top one, just to the left of the bottom one), then you just move the pointer up and down. Also note that the moles will seemingly pop out of these holes in the same order throughout the minigame. so if they first appear middle -> bottom -> top, then just move the pointer down to the middle one again and wait for the squence to start again.
Easy :)

well, easier ;)
If anyone else needs a hand with it, I'll play it for you, just email your save game to
ah cool, that's quite handy :)
May not be too useful with Sam and Max cause you seem to be able to go through that game puzzles in any order you like, but I may nick some Monkey Island saves if you have them cause I may have lost mine from when I reached monkey island.