Running aircrack


Still Fresh
Mar 24, 2011
I am trying to run aircrack (Testing my home's security) and i get errors when trying to put it into monitor mode

I am using this:

I am using the first link in this:

I have installed both but when i try and put the card into monitor mode using "sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor" it just says it is busy.

When i try using "sudo airmon-ng start wlan0" it gives me and error of /add_iface: nonexistant directory and mon0 no such device

It's likely a problem with the driver. Notaz said that it might support monitor mode, and that he hadn't tested if it actually worked.
Sorry this is a little late hogofwar, but heres how I got it to work:

I have the drivers and the aircrack from above installed

Right click on your networking icon and click disable wireless.

Then do "sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor" while the red wifi light is off.

Do "sudo airmon-ng start wlan0" (the error still appears but "iwconfig" shows the wlan0 mode is actually in monitor)

Then do "sudo airodump-ng wlan0" and it will start scanning.

I dont actually have a wep connection, so thats as far as I got.
I compiled and ran aircrack-ng 1.1 after having problems with the older version from the angstrom repo, try that.
see if this works for ya, you might need to use the patch drivers in the other thread, i'll work on putting it all into one at some point. perhaps with a fancy gui



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try this with root privilege...

ifconfig wlan0 down

iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor

iwconfig wlan0 (should show card in monitor mode)

ifconfig wlan0 up

skip the airmon-ng part and start airodump-ng on wlan0, should work...
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