Pandora Ruby on Pandora.

Well, Ruby does exist in the Angstrom repository, so if you're rocking an OS on your SD Card, it's a simple install away. Other than that.....someone might need to wrap up a PND and an installer, similar to the Java PND I'd think?
What is a sdscarp ?


I always run on SD, keeping my NAND for rescue situations.

Have to unpack a new one at 50cm from my left hand... B)
What is a sdscarp ?


I always run on SD, keeping my NAND for rescue situations.

Have to unpack a new one at 50cm from my left hand... B)
Well then it should be simple to install ruby:

sudo opkg update

sudo opkg install ruby

I can't imagine Ruby would have any wacky dependencies that break things, but I'll recommend backing up your SD Card first, mostly to absolve my conscious should anything go wrong.
Too lazy to unpack, currently using an old setup card ^^.

From Angstrom repo :





ruby depends of :

libc6, libssl1.0.0, libcrypto1.0.0, libgdbm3, libz1, libreadline5, libncurses5, libtinfo5, libtk8.5-0, libtcl8.5-0, libx11-6

I wonder what's ruby-static... seems it has no dependencies, probably the good choice.

----Edit :

Can't install ruby.

Trying ruby-static.

----Edit :

Ah crap ! ruby-static is just a lib.

----Edit :

Installed ruby with --nodeps

Got irb. Good !

No gem TT.

----Edit :

Installed gem with source.

C dev tools are needed to install gems.

----Edit :

Ah crap !

Failed rubygame gem compilation with a "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check.

I'm unable to see anything useful in config.log

----Edit :

Why the heck "/lib/cpp" ?!?

It's in the C dev tools pnd.

I though C dev tools take care of all env parameters.

----Edit :

A ln -s did absolutely nothing :/
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Beware of ncurses, that's the package that can bork your system. Be sure to install libncurses5 before any other dependencies or opkg has a tendency of pulling in all kinds of naughty things. The end result, no new executables can run in the environment, and it's reflash time. :)