Rom Sorting Batch File


Open Sauce Fanatic & AMD Fanboy
May 19, 2009
I've created a little batch file for use with a large lump of roms you might have. It'll try it's best at sorting them into proper folders. It sorts into U, E, and J folders, with any other codes being tossed into an OTHER folders. The alternates, bad dumps, etc. End up in a Junk folder inside of the U, E, or J folders. Any hacks, translations, unlicensed, or public domain roms get dropped into their own folders. Copy and paste the following code into a text file and rename it RomSort.bat Then drop it into a folder containing ONE SYSTEM'S ROMS. This has been tested in NES roms, and no other types of roms or sets of roms. I plan on writing some more to recursively grab all your different types of roms for different systems and sort them all according to system, etc. But for now, it's this:

echo ON
echo just so you know, this isn't complete.  It might not work for all
echo rom sets or systems, but has been tested to work with GoodNES Rom 
echo sets.
echo Starting Rom Sort, Creating sub directories

REM - Yeah, no logic here, just a stupid script.

echo Making Folders...

mkdir .\Roms\U
mkdir .\Roms\J
mkdir .\Roms\E
mkdir .\Roms\Other_Codes
mkdir .\Roms\Oddities
mkdir .\Roms\Oddities\Hacks
mkdir .\Roms\Oddities\Public_Domain
mkdir .\Roms\Oddities\Unlicensed
mkdir .\Roms\Oddities\Translated

echo Done making folders, Now we're sorting the odd bunch...

move .\*[T+*.* .\Roms\Oddities\Translated
move .\*(hack*.* .\Roms\Oddities\Hacks
move .\*hack)*.* .\Roms\Oddities\Hacks
move .\*[h]*.* .\Roms\Oddities\Hacks
move .\*(unl)*.* .\Roms\Oddities\Unlicensed
move .\*(PD)*.* .\Roms\Oddities\Public_Domain

echo Done sorting the odd bunch, now we're sorting the normal files...

move .\*(u)*.* .\Roms\U
move .\*(e)*.* .\Roms\E
move .\*(j)*.* .\Roms\J
move .\*(*)*.* .\Roms\Other_Codes

echo Great, now we're organizing the normal files...
echo basically this just takes the trained files,
echo overdumps, alternates, bad dumps, etc.
echo and throws them into .\Junk in their respective
echo Coded folders.

cd .\Roms\U
mkdir .\Junk
move .\*[t*]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[a*]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[b*]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[a]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[b]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[t]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[o*]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[o]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[x]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[p*]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[p]*.* .\Junk
cd ..

cd .\Roms\E
mkdir .\Junk
move .\*[t*]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[a*]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[b*]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[a]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[b]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[t]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[o*]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[o]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[x]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[p*]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[p]*.* .\Junk

cd .\Roms\J
mkdir .\Junk
move .\*[t*]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[a*]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[b*]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[a]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[b]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[t]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[o*]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[o]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[x]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[p*]*.* .\Junk
move .\*[p]*.* .\Junk

dir .\Roms\ /A:-D /B /S > .\Result.txt

move .\*.txt .\Roms\
move .\*.bat .\Roms\

mkdir .\Roms\Junk
move .\*.* .\Roms\Junk