Remote access to the Pandora


Active Member
Jan 10, 2008
Jičín city; CZ
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I'm booting from SD card (ext3fs) to avoid unnecessary NAND wearing and messing. Because I have only Windows 7 notebook and working on it, I can't access files on ext3 fs formatted SD card. I tried linux in virtual machine, but it don't get access to card reader and I fail with fsdriver in Win7 too. So I get idea about remote access or just file sharing only.

As I'm sitting hands on big keyboard and eyes on big screen, I like manage files on SD card from my work notebook. But as I'm lame in the Linux and I lack knowledge how to... I ask here and hope for tip for good solution :-)

I think that if I connect my Pandora by USB-OTG port to the notebook and if their can establish network connection then I can share files in my Pandora trough SMB or FTP and even use VNC server for remote control. So question is: "Is this possible and if yes, then how?"

Other one idea is the same as previous, but connection established by WiFi - AdHoc.

And another one is that someone direct me how to boot from FAT formated SD card. I tried untar firmware to other SD card, but it is only 1 GB card and firmware doesn't fit it :-( I don't like to mess with my functional boot card because this one made my friend and if I will screw it up then I must wait for his service.

Thanks in advance.
The Pandora has an SSH server. Use putty to be able to log in remotely, and more specifically use psftp to access the filesystem as if it were an FTP server.

You may have to activate the SSH server first. Pandora->Settings->Startup: Enable/Disable services on boot, check "Start Dropbear", OK and restart.
Yay for SSH! Does NFS work with the Pandora too? I can't imagine any reason it shouldn't.
ssh is indeed a great route to go. You can also use it to view files with your favourite file browsing program, as if it was being shared over smb or nfs, but with more security and sometimes more ease.

I have an extremely small server at home that I store mail on and access using ssh. It's open to the Internet, so I have as few services running on it as possible. No ftp or nfs or smb because ssh can give similar capabilities and is a lot more secure (while also not needing passwords at all if set up right). On my Linux machine here at work, all I have to do is type "sshfs myname@plugaddress:/directory/being/shared /directory/onmywork/machine", so then looking in "/directory/onmywork/machine" will show all the files being shared on my plug. If I can regular ssh to the server, then there's no setup of any kind required at all. No config screen, no ini file, just that one command. The only downside that I've found is that, being encrypted, data transfers are slower than on the more conventional types of file sharing (or maybe sshfs itself is just not incredibly efficient).

On Windows, there's a program called Dokan SSHFS which seems to offer the functionality of the above overly wordy paragraph. I haven't used it, though, so I can't vouch for it.

tl;dr: Access Pandora via Windows File Explorer but more securely and maybe with fewer headaches than with Windows File Sharing
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Does gigolo work now? I thought it was broken?
I solved the problem here.

sudo opkg update

sudo opkg install gvfsd-sftp sshfs-fuse

sudo mousepad /etc/modutils/fuse

type "fuse" save and quit

sudo update-modules


For FTP and Window (SMB) shares you won't need to install anything using opkg. It's only for SSH access.The missing piece is the /etc/modutils/fuse file and adding it to the loaded modules list. It takes up a tiny bit of ram but is well worth it. I am honestly shocked that it hasn't made it into a hotfix yet.
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I solved the problem here.

sudo opkg update

sudo opkg install gvfsd-sftp sshfs-fuse

sudo mousepad /etc/modutils/fuse

type "fuse" save and quit

sudo update-modules


For FTP and Window (SMB) shares you won't need to install anything using opkg. It's only for SSH access.The missing piece is the /etc/modutils/fuse file and adding it to the loaded modules list. It takes up a tiny bit of ram but is well worth it. I am honestly shocked that it hasn't made it into a hotfix yet.

Followed your easy instructions and worked like a charm ;P Now I just need to figure out the rest. How to add my samba share from win xp ;P its already setup as I use it to stream video to my xbox1. Want to do the same with my pandora!

So i can sort of connect from my win xp to the pandora. Just seem hard to remember what my main user and pass was? as whatever i try isn't working very well. Hmm..

made a new user, and tried to login on that one. Yet it still only prompts me for user and pass. No logging in yet. I'm a newb i know ;P *linux* is evil!
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I solved the problem here.

sudo opkg update

sudo opkg install gvfsd-sftp sshfs-fuse

sudo mousepad /etc/modutils/fuse

type "fuse" save and quit

sudo update-modules


For FTP and Window (SMB) shares you won't need to install anything using opkg. It's only for SSH access.The missing piece is the /etc/modutils/fuse file and adding it to the loaded modules list. It takes up a tiny bit of ram but is well worth it. I am honestly shocked that it hasn't made it into a hotfix yet.
Ah last I saw you had made progress, never saw if you got it working for other people! :P I suppose the thread then got burried for ED like it did for me... But... time to type in some terminal command methinks!
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Could some one write up how to share folders or mounts on the Pandora? ;P how do i establish a secure connection from my WinXP comp? *talk about lazy today*

So I actually figured out to use psftp for win. Just sent a 45mb over the SSH network. I guess I'm a windows addict as I'd rather use a GUI to do it with. I've got very long directories and its a pain to write it all.

Still my goal would be to stream a video with the pandora from a file on the win system.
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Could some one write up how to share folders or mounts on the Pandora? ;P how do i establish a secure connection from my WinXP comp? *talk about lazy today*

So I actually figured out to use psftp for win. Just sent a 45mb over the SSH network. I guess I'm a windows addict as I'd rather use a GUI to do it with. I've got very long directories and its a pain to write it all.

Still my goal would be to stream a video with the pandora from a file on the win system.
I learned this lesson really quickly when I converted to Linux. After finding it hard to cope for a while, I renamed everything (including files) to be all lower-case, abbreviated, with no spaces.
Still my goal would be to stream a video with the pandora from a file on the win system.

You do not want... even streaming some media off of the CFcard is hokey... I streamed some off of a samba fileshare and the quality was moderately stuttering at best... some files would barely play at all even off of the card. If you want to play video files on the Pandora, I would suggest a USB 2.0 thumbdrive. Until Pandora 2 comes out and supports 802.11n.

Just trying to assist other people from wasting their time getting this all to work expecting to stream video off of a fileshare.
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Could some one write up how to share folders or mounts on the Pandora? ;P how do i establish a secure connection from my WinXP comp? *talk about lazy today*

So I actually figured out to use psftp for win. Just sent a 45mb over the SSH network. I guess I'm a windows addict as I'd rather use a GUI to do it with. I've got very long directories and its a pain to write it all.

Still my goal would be to stream a video with the pandora from a file on the win system.
I learned this lesson really quickly when I converted to Linux. After finding it hard to cope for a while, I renamed everything (including files) to be all lower-case, abbreviated, with no spaces.

Never heard of tab complete? Also I'm personally using this Amiga style auto-completition


As for streaming, you probably want to use either 'Windows Sharing' or craploads of those streaming applications which are either crap or OK (Some of them allow on the fly downscaling so that's a +)

On Linux I would just sshfs my video folder and just watch it.
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