GP32 Recompiling yogg: b2fxeC probs


Jan 13, 2004

I've just set up the devkitadv for linux, and finally managed to compile yogg player v0.1 sources.
I get a .gxb file, despite some warnings

Now, when I use b2fxeC, I get these errors:
$ b2fxec yogg.gxb yogg.fxe
b2fxeC v0.5b - © 2002-3 Jouni 'Mr.Spiv' Korhonen

++ Warning - code and data sections are not continuous -> check you compiler options..
Gap is 114212844 bytes
++ Warning - file is longer than stated in the GXB header -> truncating..
** Error: failed to check/fix GXB length correctness..

Maybe I have done sth incorrect installing the cross compiler... any advice?
Thanks a lot
Have you tried that the produced GXB is actually runable? What I see here it looks like the GXB isn't really a GXB. Are you sure you converted ELF to binary also?
the last command in the makefile is:
arm-agb-elf-objcopy -O binary yogg.elf yogg.gxb

is it correct?

the problem could be these errors at the last command, when I run:
arm-agb-elf-gcc -Wl,-T /apps/GP32/devkitadv//arm-agb-elf/lib/lnkscript -o yogg.elf objs/mdct.o objs/block.o objs/window.o objs/synthesis.o objs/info.o objs/floor1.o objs/floor0.o objs/vorbisfile.o objs/res012.o objs/mapping0.o objs/registry.o objs/codebook.o objs/sharedbook.o objs/framing.o objs/bitwise.o gp32/gpmain.o gp32/gpfilereq.o 3dngine/3dngine.o 3dngine/polyfiller.o 3dngine/cossintab.o 3dngine/ms3dLoader.o /apps/GP32/devkitadv//arm-agb-elf/lib/gpsdk/gpstart/gpstart.o -lgpsdk -lgpgraphic -lgpmem -lgpos -lgpstdlib -lgpstdio -lgpsound -lgpfont -lgpg_ex01 -lm

I get:
ld: warning: no memory region specified for section `.init'
ld: warning: no memory region specified for section `.fini'

I'm currently using devkitadv under linux, maybe I will try under windows

I'll also try to run the .GXB

Thanks for your advice