Real Creates Opensource Windows Media-player For Linux


Mind the world, need for panic
Apr 2, 2006
The Netherlands
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I found this in Dutch, so I translated it using Babelfish:

Real make opensource Windows Media-player for Linux
by René Wichers

- Wednesday 16 augusts 2006 18.08 - source: C|net - Views: 5,134 - Permalink come there opensourceprogramma with which Windows Media-files on Linux-systemen can be played. Software will later be presented this year by - note bene - Real Networks, the makers of the propriëtaire realMedia coding. So far playing Windows Media-files under Linux was only legal possible with closedsourceapplications, but Microsoft-codec can publish Real within the framework of a schikking, which the company also once more 761 millions produced dollar. With the lucrative agreement Microsoft purchased antitrustzaak between both parties. Tux with turn tables Real Networks the opensourcecodec will bring out as a component of Helix-programma that it has been set up by the company make a player for realMedia files for Linux-platform available. Eventually one hopes complete for Linux arranged launch multimediaportal, said Jeff Duchmann, which at Real responsible are for ' client - and drm-technologie '. According to Duchmann means that in the long run also that Apples Aac-codering supported will have: ' if we want bring out music services on Linux, we also for that must a licentie.' Novell shout with joy the developments: there one believes that Linux, thanks to the software of Real, for the first time real with Windows might compete with. The Enterprise Desktop 10-editie of Novells Linux-distro Suse with Real-software will thus be equipped as soon as is made that available.

Maybe something usefull for the GP2X?
This isn't a development in GP2X terms - the release is mainly concerning streaming media and, in an English version of the article:

Real has promised to give away source code to much of the underlying technology for streaming media. That stops short of the actual file format, or "codec" itself

So no codecs, and hence no better GP2X support. Only a framework for streaming media.
Current scuttlebutt is that Real's player will be distributed in a binary-only x86 format. Which means the GP2X is pooched on that regard.

I'd wait until the FFMPEG WMP9 support gets better; it's very usable as is though.
I might have found something through google. Don't get your hopes up too much, but it might be the source to a real media player for arm linux.

You see, the linux-based motorola A780 phone includes a real media player.

Since it's linux, the source tarball is available here. If a developer wants to give the source a quick skim and see if there is anything to work with, that would be great.