Random Flamebird Problems


Is that a Caanoo in your pocket or are you just ha
Apr 27, 2005
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Hey. I got this seemingly random problem whilst trying to set up an environment on Flamebird 2.11.

I try to define the fenix path as the following "C:\Users\Paul\Documents\Fenix". This apparently works, but when I try to check the box that says "Open DCB files with Fenix interpreter" and click OK, i get the following message "Can't associate DCB files because the Fenix path isn't configured!!"

Anyone know what's wrong?

Thanks all.

P.S. I'm using vista, could this affect things?
Bloody crapping nora. Fallen at the first post.

Does she know why? I had a problem earlier that vista was not packaged with a registry file that FlameBird needed, but sorted that out by manually whacking it in.
Update: I tried to run FireBird on an XP PC, and the error still occurs. I reckon it is not vista that is the problem. Any other ideas?
Of course :) Make an extra directory, best in your flamebird directory, and put the Fenix binaries in there.

Then you start Flamebird, go to Preferences, and set that directory as Fenix directory. Then you`ll be able to associate the the dcb with the Fenix interpreter.

Everything should be set then to start coding Fenix :)

EDIT: Oooops, just read the whole first post, not just the error message you get... I don`t know exactly what you did, but this should work o.O
Apparently Vista can't handle compiling fenix. I'm very disappointed as I was looking forward to teaching myself fenix :(
I have tried my best to setup a Fenix dev environment on Vista, and have failed. 2 main problems are with Flamebird2 and the Fenix run-time.
1. Flamebird will not run correctly, it errors on startup but allows you to run it thereafter, but has problems compiling.
2. The Fenix run-time for windows will not run on Vista. If anyone knows of a newer run-time I will be a very happy girl indeed!

Presently I can dev using Virtual PC2007, which now runs faster than my original native XP build as my new system supports Virtualization. But it's a work around, not the solution.

Fenix will catch up at some point, until then use XP if you're Fenix developing.