Quick question, where to buy from?


Apr 26, 2011
Hey, I was wondering.. I read there is a DE, UK and US sales team.. I live in Belgium (between the UK and Germany)

So if I were to order from the DE site, would it be sent from there? I'm not sure, but that -might- be closer, and maybe save me some shipping costs?

Or are they all sent from the UK regardless?


Edit: Oh, and I'm curious... Are there any members here from Belgium too? I'd like to know if there are any pandoras here :P
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Your unit would be sent from the shop you placed your order with, so if you bought from gp2x.de then it would be shipped from Germany. All of the units are produced in the UK, but units are frequently shipped over to ED.

EDIT: It appears you cannot buy units from ED's shop atm, so you would have to buy from the UK store.
I got mine from ED since it was easier to pay him by bank transfer.

And no change costs

But buying directly from Craigix is faster, since the pandoras don't have to be built in England, sent to Deutschland, then back to Belgium.
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