Question About Scummvm


Still Fresh
Jul 12, 2007
I recently got a copy of Curse of Money Island running, with full sound and etc. on my gp2x using scummvm - my question is - why is it that a graphically rich, and audio filled game like Curse of MI is playable, yet games which seem to be simpler (freddy pharkas, lsl 2+, Gabriel Knight, Noctropolis, etc.) are not?

I realize it has to do with the difference between AGI and SCI versions, however is it the ScummVM that is limited, and won't allow the other games, and it just needs more updates - or is it the hardware within the gp2x itself?

i can only dream for a day that LSL7, Love for Sail and Freddy Pharkas are on my gp2x :rolleyes:
Be sure to use ScummVM 0.9.1 to get great COMI performance on GP2X. ;)
scientist said:
Miika said:
Be sure to use ScummVM 0.9.1 to get great COMI performance on GP2X. ;)
as opposed to version 0.10?


0.9.1 is faster when playing COMI, but much slower in cutscene videos, it is also less stable and unsupported.

However, onto your main question...

Your asking about games ScummVM does not support so your question makes no sense. ScummVM on the GP2X supports most (almost every) game that ScummVM supports to some degree (some games are so slow as to be almost unplayable) but it can't work magic. If ScummVM can't run it then ScummVM for the GP2X can't run it either.

For SCI games you may want to look into FreeSCI but there is not (if I recall) a GP2X port of FreeSCI.

Remember, ScummVM is not a wrapper for the games to run like say DosBox, each games engine is (re)written from the ground up to fit with ScummVM's framework. That is a huge, highly skilled job and a very time consuming one.
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i'm not familiar with the engines that run these games, only the games themselves. the reference to FreeSCI was what I was looking for. I just wondered why a game as rich and big (almost 1gb) as COMI could run without problems (except for being a tad bit slow) - while a much simpler game like Freddy Pharkas or the later LSLs could not run.

I guess my real question was if it's possible that scumm could run these other games, but I had a feeling it was because SCI and Scummvm are nothing alike - and you confirmed that (right?)
Sorry to object once again Willis, but I find 0.9.1 much faster than any other build in cutscenes; it stops for a tiny, almost unnoticeable bit in cutscenes, the other builds play more like 2 frames every second :P Also for the stability, it didn't crash even once during my COMI walkthrough on gp2x :)
DJWillis said:
For SCI games you may want to look into FreeSCI but there is not (if I recall) a GP2X port of FreeSCI.
I ported it a long time ago, but I never released it. There seemed to be little or no interest in playing "typing games" on GP2X (only games of the LSL2/LSL3/SQ3 generation are currently playable in FreeSCI). I can try to dig up the port if someone wants it.

Regarding SCI in ScummVM: ScummVM now supports AGI, because the Sarien project was merged into ScummVM. There are no plans (at this time) for merging FreeSCI into ScummVM as well.
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The Phantom said:
I ported it a long time ago, but I never released it. There seemed to be little or no interest in playing "typing games" on GP2X (only games of the LSL2/LSL3/SQ3 generation are currently playable in FreeSCI). I can try to dig up the port if someone wants it.
Sorry going off topic here slightly;

I like type in adventure games but I prefer the old Level 9 games. I think they are far better than point and click. There is more scope for good logic as opposed to randomly putting objects together. Ever played Discworld where you had to do something stupid like put a frog in Rincewind's throat whilst in the future???! I admit that is the game logic there but that is what happens a lot of time in point and clicks.

I have Jewels of Darkness collection, Time and Magik, The Pawn and Hitchhikers Guide waiting to be played on an Amtrad CPC emulator. Although a better keyboard method would be required. They work but cant be saved yet.

When you are familiar with your environment you can do things like 'go north, east, east, enter hut' or whatever. On point and clicks you have to wait for your character to go from one side to the other through several screens.

I am not putting down point and clicks. Monkey Island games are excellent along Sam and Max and with Revolution Games Simon the Sorceror, etc. And they were good enough to release some for free unlike "I Want More Money Arts".

I just found out there is a level 9 interpreter for gba........
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the level9 interpreter could be pretty easily ported to gp2x, just need some popup keyboard i guess. could also port the magnetc interpreter as well
Yes that indeed would be very good. Forgot about magnetic scrolls. I have the time and magik collection too.

How do those interpreters work? Can you throw any format at them, ie I have amstrad cpc versions. Do the graphics work the same?

The big problem would be keyboard input. I guess shortcuts could be made for n,e,s,w by using control stick or something.
the level9 interp i think can play speccy files, bbc files, dos files. magnetic needs to convert its games to native format so youd have to do that prior to dropping them onto the sd card.

could just write a version of GLK that uses a popup keyboard then recomp l9 + magnetic (since I think they are both glk backeneded, you could then automatically get other glk interpreters for free, like agt ones, bunyon my scottadams interpreter, tads etc....)