Qt To Be Made Avaliable Under Lgpl


Still Fresh
Apr 3, 2008
I apologise for the spam but I thought a few people might be interested to know that Nokia has announced it's intention to release Qt under the LGPL, allowing commercial (closed source) software to use it for free.

Nokia has also announced Qt development will move to an open git repository where community contributions will be welcomed.
I thought Qt was already under a full GPL license, so the LGPL only helps commercial devs, not those who were working on OSS.

Ah well, more Qt uptake hopefully means more people contributing bug reports and fixes, helping the software grow.
Nothing wrong with making commercial devs life easier; QT was very expensive for small giuys like me, so I coudl onyl afford it a couple years and had to stay back on old old versions .. a drag. (Remember, there is nothign wrong with commervial software; we all like open source, and it woudl be nice of the world ran that way.. but some of us do need to get paid, and who can't do it on support alone, not right now anyway :)

This is great news for shareware and indie guys.

Tom Cooksey said:
I apologise for the spam but I thought a few people might be interested to know that Nokia has announced it's intention to release Qt under the LGPL, allowing commercial (closed source) software to use it for free.

Nokia has also announced Qt development will move to an open git repository where community contributions will be welcomed.
This is very interesting. I was just looking into Qt a while back when I needed to start on GUI for my game. Qt widgets can now also be rendered into an OpenGL context. However I rejected the possibility because of the license. I might have to reconsider if PyQt is up to date.
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There are reasons why OSS developers would care about the licence too. For instance, IIRC, the current Qt licence has exceptions to allow using it with BSD/MIT licenced code, but there's not much point in doing so since people can't exercise the extra freedom without violating the Qt licence.

It's not even like "well if they won't release the source, they have to pay.", as they say you can't mix code developed with free Qt and code developed with the commercial licence. (Which I find kind of obnoxious.)

I haven't used Qt much, but I have the impression that it has the advantage over GTK+ technically. Still, I've preferred GTK+ since I'm not comfortable with the Qt licencing, (and because I'm not a big fan of C++, beats GObject in C though).
So yeah, anyway, good news.
lulzfish said:
In my OpenGL?

I'll have to investigate this, since I really don't like Qt, but I like the idea of standard desktop widgets in a video game setting.
I guess you haven't seen WolfenQt then? It's a take on the classic Wolfenstien 3D but with regular widgets on the walls (widgets like video players & web views).

And yes, now I have written a paint engine for OpenGL ES 2.0 (which will also ship in 4.5), this kind of thing is possible using Qt on the Pandora. :D
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Tom Cooksey said:
And yes, now I have written a paint engine for OpenGL ES 2.0 (which will also ship in 4.5), this kind of thing is possible using Qt on the Pandora. :D
Will there be an engine for ES 1.1 as well?
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Svartalf said:
Will there be an engine for ES 1.1 as well?
Yes, that's already in Qt 4.4. It's basically the desktop OpenGL paint engine with a few #defines and an EGL/X11 back-end to manage contexts. Porting dektop OpenGL to OpenGL ES 1.1 is a _lot_ easier than porting to ES 2.0 (hense the need for a completely new paint engine... #defines just weren't going to cut it).
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Tom Cooksey said:
And yes, now I have written a paint engine for OpenGL ES 2.0 (which will also ship in 4.5), this kind of thing is possible using Qt on the Pandora.

Svartalf said:
Will there be an engine for ES 1.1 as well?
Yes, that's already in Qt 4.4. It's basically the desktop OpenGL paint engine with a few #defines and an EGL/X11 back-end to manage contexts. Porting dektop OpenGL to OpenGL ES 1.1 is a _lot_ easier than porting to ES 2.0 (hense the need for a completely new paint engine... #defines just weren't going to cut it).

yay. good news. now we need somebody to get (open)glut operational on the platform and we're good to go platform-agnostic till the end of the world.
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