Qt 4.7.1 For Caanoo


Still Fresh
Feb 20, 2009
download url : http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/caanoo.cgi?0,0,0,0,46,644

[CAANOO] QT 4.7.1 ( qml_flicker )

[CAANOO] QT 4.7.1 ( qml_webbrowser )

[CAANOO] QT 4.7.1 ( net_broadcast )

[CAANOO] QT 4.7.1 ( ui_control1 )

[CAANOO] QT 4.7.1 ( ui_control2 )

[CAANOO] QT 4.7.1 ( ui_control3 )

[CAANOO] QT 4.7.1 ( ui_menu1 )

[CAANOO] QT 4.7.1 ( ui_menu2 )

[CAANOO] QT 4.7.1 ( ui_menu3 )

[CAANOO] QT 4.7.1 ( ui_picture_scroll )
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A pity that neither Caanoo key nor virtual keyboard is supported.
Tried webbrowser but due to the resolutions, nothing really can be done. :lol:
ruffnutts said:
What is all this QT stuff ?

QT is a (cross platform) language for making graphical user interfaces with. Having the libraries means that any program written with QT has the potential to run on the caanoo.
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[ QT Setup Guide ]

--> Home > Developer Center > News > SDK Download Board
A. QT development environment ready to install
A1. install GPH SDK
install the [ home/user] folder beneath
The path is important

B. Setup QT Development Environment
B1. go to the [ home/user] folder
Run [ cd ~ ]
B2. Copy the installation files in that folder
Copy the target file [ linux-caanoo-g++ ], [ qt-471-make-arm.sh ]
B3. Download QT 4.7
Run [ wget http://get.qt.nokia.com/qt/source/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.1.tar.gz ]
B4. Decompression library
Run [ tar -xzvf qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.1.tar.gz ]
B5. Copy linux-canoo-g++
Run [ cp -R linux-canoo-g++ ./qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.1/mkspecs/qws/ ]
B6. Copy qt-471-make-arm.sh
Run [ cp qt-471-make-arm.sh ./qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.1/ ]
B7. Moving
Run [ cd ./qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.1/ ]
B8. Create Automatically makefile
Run [ ./qt-471-make-arm.sh ]
B9. Build QT library
Run [ make ]
It takes at least 1 hour or more
B10. Copy automatically QT library
Run [ make install ]
In the Copy /home/user/GPH_SDK/tools/gcc-4.2.4-glibc-2.7-eabi/sys-root/usr/lib folder
B11. qmake Link
Run [ ln -s /home/user/GPH_SDK/tools/gcc-4.2.4-glibc-2.7-eabi/sys-root/usr/bin/qmake
/home/user/GPH_SDK/tools/gcc-4.2.4-glibc-2.7-eabi/bin/qmake-caanoo ]

C. Building an example
C1. Moving
inside example or demo folder
ex ) Run [ cd /home/user/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.1/example/painting/basicdrawing/ ]
C2. Create QT project file
Run [ qmake-caanoo -project ]
C3. Create automatically Makefile
Run [ qmake-caanoo ]
C4. Create an executable file
Run [ make ]
C5. Add the executable extension
Run [ mv exe exec.qws ]

D. Running the example
Devices need firmware 1.6.0 or later
D1. Copy the executable terminal
D2. In [ Explorer ], select the executable file
badmonkeyfinger said:
ruffnutts said:
What is all this QT stuff ?

QT is a (cross platform) language for making graphical user interfaces with. Having the libraries means that any program written with QT has the potential to run on the caanoo.

Ok thanks for the info ;)
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it isn't a new version of this? i love the web browser buit it need a update; site like facebook didn't see in this!
I want to setup a build QT envoirement for the caanoo. I can't find "[ linux-caanoo-g++ ], [ qt-471-make-arm.sh ]". I have got the qt471 source and the caanoo sdk. Am I missing something?
Now trying this: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qt-embedded-crosscompiling.html
It worked i just had to change /home/rohezal/GPH_SDK/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.1/mkspecs/qws/linux-arm-g++ to this:

# qmake configuration for building with arm-linux-g++


# modifications to g++.conf
QMAKE_CC = arm-gph-linux-gnueabi-gcc
QMAKE_CXX = arm-gph-linux-gnueabi-g++
QMAKE_LINK = arm-gph-linux-gnueabi-g++
QMAKE_LINK_SHLIB = arm-gph-linux-gnueabi-g++

# modifications to linux.conf
QMAKE_AR = arm-gph-linux-gnueabi-ar cqs
QMAKE_OBJCOPY = arm-gph-linux-gnueabi-objcopy
QMAKE_STRIP = arm-gph-linux-gnueabi-sstrip


Then type this with your username:

export PATH=/home/rohezal/GPH_SDK/tools/gcc-4.2.4-glibc-2.7-eabi/bin/:$PATH

You should the path when you echo the variable:

rohezal@alveran:~/GPH_SDK/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.1/examples/goldmanager$ echo $PATH

Then go into ~/GPH_SDK/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.1 and type ./configure -embedded arm -xplatform qws/linux-arm-g++

Then type make.

Thats it. I tested it and it worked :). You need the libs placed in sd card root to use qt apps.
Nice thanks for sharing this info.
Could you upload the packages (bin+include) on the repo or somewhere else?
There are also the QT4.71 package but it's missing the Include...
Its several gigabytes big and I live in a village with slow internet :(. On the other hand building took more than 1 hour. Will it work when I upload it? Btw. I is the linux version of qt.
ok but i need the include to try to build ...is possible to package only this and upload somewhere ?
Only the modified include you use to build your project ( i saw your calculator now )..thanks
Cope this http://pastebin.com/LPqx5ktk to:


Don't forget to set the path right:
export PATH=/home/Your_Username/GPH_SDK/tools/gcc-4.2.4-glibc-2.7-eabi/bin/:$PATH

is this possible for the wiz?

I think yes but I am not sure. I don't have a wiz.
Someone knows how to add a caanoo buttons (lets say the home button) to the application? Is it like a keyboard? Like "I press A and in the textfield appears an a". How do I add the keyboard?
From the caanoo mplayer source. Would be nice if we can use this, to turn off the screen when the caanoo is looked. power saving mode^^

void turnoff_lcd(void)
struct frontend_priv_s *priv = &frontend_priv;

if((priv->tvout_mode & MLC_PRI_ENABLED) && !(priv->tvout_mode & MLC_SEC_ENABLED))
unsigned int send[2] = {LCD_POWER_DOWN_ON_CMD, 0};
ioctl(priv->fb_fd, FBIO_LCD_CHANGE_CONTROL, &send);

void turnon_lcd(void)
struct frontend_priv_s *priv = &frontend_priv;

if((priv->tvout_mode & MLC_PRI_ENABLED) && !(priv->tvout_mode & MLC_SEC_ENABLED))
unsigned int send[2] = {LCD_POWER_DOWN_OFF_CMD, 0};
ioctl(priv->fb_fd, FBIO_LCD_CHANGE_CONTROL, &send);

void set_lcd_brightness(unsigned int value)
struct frontend_priv_s *priv = &frontend_priv;

if((priv->tvout_mode & MLC_PRI_ENABLED) && !(priv->tvout_mode & MLC_SEC_ENABLED))
unsigned int send[2];

send[0] = LCD_LIGHT_SET_CMD;
send[1] = value;
ioctl(frontend_priv.fb_fd, FBIO_LCD_CHANGE_CONTROL, &send);
Anyone knows how to check if the holdon / lock button is pressed? I like the idea to turn of the screen, when the caanoo is locked.