Purple Screen RMA - No way back? How to RMA?


Still Fresh
Feb 14, 2011
Hello all,

I've had my Pandora since around January or February. It's worked fine for a while, but now I'm starting to notice that when I open and close the screen, it turns purple. At this point it's still playable because the screen is normal color when the screen is opened all the way, but I fear that it will continue to get worse if I don't do anything about it.

If it wasn't going to void my warranty, I would prefer to fix it myself, because I don't want to have to part with my pandora or deal with shipping it away. But as I understand that that would void my warranty, I'd rather save my warranty in case something happens that I couldn't fix.

So what is the process for dealing with an RMA, and what's the standard turnaround time for this kind of thing? I haven't really seen any threads that say "If you need to get an RMA, do this, this, and then this".

Another curiosity of mine is how the purchase date is kept track of? I ordered my Pandora with my school email, and I'm not sure how much longer it will be active (I graduated in May and they haven't cancelled it yet). I don't seem to have a copy of an invoice readily available anywhere.

Thanks in advance
Whilst I can't help with the purchase-date or e-mail situations, I do know that the first step to RMA'ing is to drop an e-mail to whoever you purchased from, with a decently-descriptive subject line, including your order number in the body of the e-mail, along with details of the problem. You should then receive a response with an RMA form to print and fill in.

Whilst I will stress that I am no expert at all, going on past experience and observations, it appears that the standard turnaround time may depend partly on the e-mail backlog (since you need to get the form and all that via e-mail), as well as what the specific problem is. My current understanding, in addition to this, is that PTOD units are sent to ED to repair in Germany.

So basically, you need to e-mail your distributor. :P
My advice would be NOT to send it to Craigix shop even if that's where you got it from. I did, and I've been waiting 3.5 months now.
Even if you bought it from Craig, though, you can send it directly to ED. You still need to request the RMA from his shop, though.
Thanks for the replies

The purple screen issue appears to be going back and forth. It happened a few days ago, then stopped. Then I turned on my Pandora this morning and it happened as I was opening the system, but now when I open and close, open and close, it doesn't appear to go purple anymore for the time beying.

Has anybody else had this problem and it not gotten worse over time? Or is it just doomed to gradually get worse no matter what? I can deal with it if it doesn't get worse, but if it's going to get worse regardless, I'd probably be best off just RMAing it right now.
My understanding is that it will get worse regardless. I've not heard of a single case of the Purple Tint of Death where it didn't.