PSX roms for GP32, PSX roms for GP32

PSX roms for GP32, PSX roms for GP32

  • hi, I have one ask to you

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have read what here, the GP32 is too weak for 3D graphic although N-gage runs with (tomb raider1).

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • and i speak bad english!!!!!!!!!!!!! postet auf deusch wen ihr könnt!!!!!!!!!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Still Fresh
Jul 12, 2003
hi, I have one ask to you

I have read what here, the GP32 is too weak for 3D graphic although N-gage runs with (tomb raider1). (N fee) has also weaker hardware. has psx 33.4 Mhz processor/8 Mb SP.

sorry i#m come from germany
and i speak bad english

!!!!!!!!!!!!! postet auf deusch wen ihr könnt!!!!!!!!!!! ;) ;)
I don't understand you
Ich verstehe nicht, was du uns mit deinem Post sagen willst :P
This is great.

I think we should create a new version of one of the old japanese classics with the hilarious Engrish.

We can write all the text. Have it translated to German. Then send it to Lexcom and have it translated back to English.

The result: Perfect Engrish translation for our game!
i really cant get enough of people speaking in bad english with the sentence order all over the place. I just find it genuinely entertaining but then i am simple minded. I could just read pages of the stuff its just gr8
Wow, lexcom, that's some language you got there. And you talk like that 24/7?

BTW: I'm the idiot who voted for "hi, I have one ask to you" :P
I think he's asking if it would be possible to emulate Playstation 1 hardware on GP32.
Yeah i think he's asking why we cant have 3d when the psx was under the power of the gp32 and the ncage is under the power of the gp32

Well all i can say is chips chips chips hard to emulate thema nd when you do its 2 slow

I may be drunk, but I'd be laughing out loud at this poll even if I were not.


Bad translations are always funny. is full of great examples.

I was talking to a friend of mine a while back about the complete uselessness of translation software. To prove a point, I entered a couple quotes into Altavista's babelfish website, translated it into Japanese, then back into english. Here's what I got (it helps if you have the Japanese font installed):

Original Quote:
The reason people blame things on the previous generations is that there’s only one other choice.

Translated to Japanese:
前の生成の理由の人々の責任の事はたった1 つの他の選択があることである。

And translated back into English:
Responsibility of the people of the reason of formation before is to be selection of one other things which pass.

Original Quote:
In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.

Translated to Japanese:
階層では, あらゆる従業員は無能力の彼のレベルへ立上がりがちである。

And translated back into English:
With class, as for all employees it is the stand rising tend to that level of disabled power.
This idea has:
a) double posted
B) asked help questions in general talk
c) made a useless poll that repeats what he's asking
d) spoken terrible english
e) asked about ROMs

And you all helped him - truly a testament to the friendliness of the community. I'm only keeping these topics up for humour value. Lexcon: If you post like this again, I'll ban your ass so hard even yo mama won't want to chew on it no mo'
And my answer would be: no it will never emulate a PSX at any playable speed.
Yes it could do games to a similar standard if written natively.