Work with Import Ps1 Titles on Playstation1 and a Slim Playstation 2 without Soldering.
For Import PS2 Titles i recommend to
-copy your Originalgames to HDD
-Patch them to a "Hybrid DVD" (ESR Patcher)
-Play them with Free Memory Card Boot and ESR. FMCB
Or of course, I guess you could cdrao your ps1 discs and play the resulting files on an emulator. You could even play them on your TV using your Pandora, a TV out cable and a USB to PS2 adaptor cable (probably via a hub or a usbotg cable).
i have a few import PS1/PS2 games i have yet to try out (Front Mission Alternative, Front Mission 2, Culdcept 2, A-Train...something or another); thanks for the reminder.
For Import PS2 Titles i recommend to
-copy your Originalgames to HDD
-Patch them to a "Hybrid DVD" (ESR Patcher)
-Play them with Free Memory Card Boot and ESR. FMCB
I am only an amateur technician, but I reckon the thing that fails most often on CD players is the laser pickup and perhaps the worm drive that moves the pickup. Removing a spinning disc only puts a momentary strain on the spindle motor, if done right, and that's a far beefier component designed to cope with misshapen and overweight discs. I personally wouldn't hesitate to do it if I had any need to, but that may be just me.
I am collecting psx rpgs and since most of these were never released in the EU I have to deal with imports. I can only recommend getting a modded ps2. they're not expensive, you can get lucky and score a ps2 fat for 30 euros with a decent modchip. I'd rather do that if I were you then having to use disk swapping.
The only thing to remember is that the games will not be fullscreen. I am not sure why this happens, but imported games have a different aspect ratio on psx/ps2 consoles. can someone explain that to me? can't be ntsc 60hz vs pal 50hz since modern tvs display ntsc input just as well as pal.
I do play them from an Sata Hdd inside my FatPs2 with modded Fan.
Very silent and my Ide to Sata Converter work very well.
No need for an Modchip for me here.
For the clear Picture Quality i recommend a Ps2 Yuv/Component Adapter.
My Ntsc Originals are ripped to that Sata HDD and Ntsc work nicely for me with the good old HDLoader.
There are many good Ps2 Rpgs out..but it was realy difficult to find them all.
I have all Ps2 Rpgs i want in Original here
FMCB by itself just enables you to run homebrew software with ease, mainly using the custom menu that you can now boot into (each new menu entery you'll see launches some kind of homebrew executable).
In order to get stuff running, you will need to copy the ELF executables (ELF being the software executable format the PS2 uses) that you need unto either the memory-card itself or unto a USB flash-drive. Once you do that, you can either add new menu entries for each ELF file (which is done using the "FMCB Configurator" option) or launch it manually using uLaunchELF's file browser (just navigate to the location of your ELF executable, select it and hit "circle" on the controller).
If you choose to add a menu entery, i would recommend to first copy the ELF file unto the memory-card. Just put the ELF unto on a USB flash-drive, navigate to it's location using uLaunchELF's file browser and copy it to either "mc0:" or "mc1:" (depending on where you memory card is plugged at that momement).
What's the model number and region of both of your consoles?