Well-Known Member
actually yeah that might work, as long as you've set the gpios to pull up and active low, just a bit of an unorthodox method i guess (and a bad diagramwhere are your Vdd and Vcc rails, honestly)
Might work, why wouldn't it? Also, aren't Vdd and Vcc the same thing? Finally what is Vdd and Vcc? (serious question, I'm no expert in this field, I just have a good idea and know how to solder).
yes Vdd and Vcc are practically the same..
Vcc and Vdd are the Positive voltages
Vcc - Positive supply voltage of a Bipolar Junction Transistor
Vdd - Positive supply voltage of a Field Effect Transistor (FET)
I think someone mentioned earlier in another thread this method would work.. when grounded it will pull up.
yeah, it should, though doing them as pull down and active high would work too, just messing with ya