Process IRQ/72-serial using 60% CPU (BTDUN)


Who the heck is Stephan Kramer?
Oct 8, 2008
the mockracy
After leaving the Pandora to charge over night I found it sluggish in the morning. I then checked top to find this process:

61 root     -51   0     0    0    0 S 59.0  0.0  12:25.99 irq/72-serial i
This is the 2nd or 3rd time that happened. What's its' purpose and why does it hug so much CPU? How may I have influenced it?
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Rebirth or 1Ghz Pandora?
Interresting,i test this too and maybe you found a Bug who takes Speed and when this Bug is solved,
Have we maybe more Speed in the entire System :)

Tried to disable USB Host?
Mabe its the USB Networking from the Boot?
Serial Things means often USB Things ;)
It's a CC unit. USB you say, maybe my playing around with the OTG host cable resulted in this, can't exactly remember what I did that night before. But USB does sound like a reasonable culprit, thanks Ingo.
Well, good. Today a 5€ OTG adapter arrived to confirm exactly that. At least I can trust my soldering skills -.-
Narrowed it down: Found that thread come up with that high a load after launching a download in gPodder using Bluetooth network connection via BTDUN. SMPlayer2 is running t the same time.

CPU usage ramps up to 75%
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