Problems With Mix_openaudio


Still Fresh
Apr 14, 2007
Im now working on sound and every since i added the line I get something to have illegal write over in what is supposed to be free area of upper memory.


Mix_OpenAudio(22050, AUDIO_S16, 2, 512);

According to my memory manager somwhere between 0x3cfffec and 0x3d00000, which is my internal struct for memory zones, it is being overwriting when i add the previous line.

I found on that upper memory is supposed to be reserved like this :

//0x0314C000 - 4931584 bytes Free
//0x03600000 - 16384 bytes Sound buffer
//0x03604000 - 7323648 bytes Free
//0x03D00000 - 3145727 bytes Reserved for internal buffers of MPEG H/W decoder

Maybe the zone for Sound buffer have changed ... but also i was unable to find the source for sdl_mixer port on gp2x. maybe someone could point me where i can find this function implementation so i can make sure what is going on inside.

Thank a lot
woogal said:
SDL_Mixer, like most libraries, hasn't been changed for the gp2x. It's not a port, just a recompile of the existing code.
Alright, i still couldn't find how sdl_mixer could use high memory ... the only thing that i supect is a malloc of configuration struc, and from my tests, malloc is not redirected to high memory.

still clueless ...


Ok its not in the MIX_Audio .. its somewhere else because of activating the sound ... probably on my side ... mmm investigating

EDIT 2 :

Ok found it something weird is happening at the exit of my app when i empty all of my memory manager heap. !? ... weird sorry ... hehe mea culpa
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