Problem With Sdl_enablekeyrepeat()


Still Fresh
Jan 25, 2007

I wrote a program where I use SDL. I call SDL_EnableKeyRepeat() within the code. The same code runs on Windows fine with SDL_EnableKeyRepeat() working as expected but on gp2x not. Is SDL_EnableKeyRepeat() really supported on gp2x? Could not find any hint on web.
I can do a workaround (ticking time and so on) but would like to avoid that. Is there something I forgot, which is gp2x specific - a special initialization or something like that, which is different to SDL on Windows?

Thanks in advance!
Are you using a USB keyboard?

On its own the GP2X does not have any keys, all buttons and the joystick return joystick button events
Are you using a USB keyboard?

On its own the GP2X does not have any keys, all buttons and the joystick return joystick button events

Arrrgh. You are right. I forgot that A, B , X, and Y buttons are buttons and not keys. I ported the code stupidly from PC to GP2X and switched off my brain :(
Many thanks!!
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