Powermanga V0.80 - 3 Released


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
stu released a new version of the shooter Powermanga.


This release should fix all remaining bugs:
- Pressing any button properly skips the intro video
- L & R were the wrong way round (currently they just mimic left & right, i.e. they move the ship left & right - but it was still a bug )
- High score entry now works properly! You can use up & down to cycle through the characters: ' ', A-Z and 0-9. Left & right move the cursor, and then A, B or the stick completes the name entry and saves the scores, which leads to the next point...
- High scores are properly saved & read back (there was an endian issue when reading & writing the file), so you can finally keep track of your top 5 Powermanga marathons

Download: Powermanga v0.80 - 3
Download: Powermanga v0.80 - 3 - Sourcecode
Fun little game, commercial quality. My only complaint is that it is extremely easy until the first boss, then it immediately picks up the pace and you get a shower of bullets and it's game-over. :(

- Alex
I can't believe how few comments there are for this little gem. Currently my favourite game on the GP2x.

Alex, yeah I thought that too.. but after a bit of practice you can avoid enough of the bullets to survive. It continues getting rather difficult after that though, lol.
I love shooters, and this one is great! Yeah, that first boss is f'ing hard ... :lol:
Hehehe, the addiction sets in! :P

The key to the first boss is simple - don't always keep your finger on the trigger button! He lets out a barrage of bullets whenever he takes damage, so when you're about to swop from one side of the screen to the other, if you just lay off the fire for a while it's then a lot easier to dodge his bullets while crossing.

I've found the best strategy in general is to try level up your ship to the highest level it can go, as early as possible, while always maxing out your primary missile fire on each new ship level. After that first little ship of yours, all the others have homing missiles, which, when upgraded, do quite a bit of damage - and the more damage you do with less aiming required, the more asteroids you can destroy, which ultimately leads to more gems and hence more upgrades. Once you're on the highest level ship then you can start upgrading all the other fire modes, as well as try rack up 6 satellites (yellow gems), which gives you a very handy lightning attack. Also, if you just rack up gems and go one past the highest ship upgrade you get a side cannon which permanently fires (you can repeat the process again for another one on the opposite side of your ship) - quite handy for a little bit of extra damage.

If I do this strategy I seem to quite easily reach beyond level 30, but then it starts getting seriously tough, and becomes more a case of trying to dodge as much as possible rather than killing everything - getting hit with a level 30 asteroid does a serious amount of damage :blink:

Anyway, just thought I'd give out a few chunks of knowledge about PM - I've been a fan of the game for a couple of years now ever since I discovered it on an archaic install of Mandrake, and thought it would be an ideal candidate for a GP2X game. But yeah, in all my years of playing it I think I've only ever finished it twice - it is a nice little challenge, indeed! :)
EvilDragon posted on Aug 29 2006 at 01:24 AM said:
- Pressing any button properly skips the intro video

THE feature from my linux box's powermanga that was missing on the gp2x ;) Thanks for your port!
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I noticed the volume buttons don't work right away (although pressing either volume button skips the intro too eventually - which I found a bit odd). It's not a big issue but that music does come in kinda loud during a late night session!
Aww man, I avoided shooting at the thing when it came up, but I've gotten an auto-side-shooter, so the bastard got me again. :(

- Alex
Woo.. I just had my first inspired run and managed to get to Level 41!
The key is definitely to get the best ship as soon as possible., rather than upgrading the first one.

Awesome game.