Porting Fenix Games..


Sep 23, 2003
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I'd like to try porting some Fenix games, so I went through the list at DIV-Arena and downloaded the ones I found interesting. Either they don't have a PRG source file (is there another way to convert these?), or, when I'm trying to convert to convert the PRG to a DCB with FXC.exe, it tells me that there's an error somewhere in the code. I've looked in the PRGs with Notepad and gone to the lines FXC.exe has mentioned, but I have no clue what to do with these errors. I was able to convert the original PRG from Tilt without a problem (a game that has already been convertered to work with GP32). Any way to convert these buggy PRGs or a way to fix the bugs?
same problems here, but flipull has no error in comiling.
super mario land does actually and super mario dx too.
and i dont think its possible to port without a prg oh well :rolleyes:

you gotta try other games i think.. some work some dont :blink:
chui, help us!
Yeah, same here, I had a very long look at tons of DIV games, couldn't manage to get hardly any of them to compile. The few that did had screen sizes far to big to be shrunk down to 320x240.

but flipull has no error in comiling.
super mario land does actually and super mario dx too.
Flipull? Is that some other compiler? Do games compiled with it work on GP32 Fenix?
There was a version of Jetpak that had 320x240 graphics that I thought would have been great to port over, but there was no PRG source. Perhaps I can e-mail the author asking for permission to port the source.
I'm still really confused about Fenix. I've been looking into it for a while but after going through reams of confusing info and broken English I gave up. Any help?
DIV PRGs is not 100% compatible code, you must adapt it.


1- DIV handle PCM files for sound, but Fenix use WAV.. you must change load_pcm() to load_wav(), and sound() to play_wav().

2- Fenix language is more 'pedantic', not permit variable redefination and use ':' instead ';'

3- Other funcs like update_scroll() not exist (use move_scroll()) See: http://fenix.divsite.net/docs/funciones_en.htm

IntenseWage-> Please, send mail to jetpack-port developers :D
mr twit posted on Apr 6 2004 at 05:52 PM said:
Yeah, same here, I had a very long look at tons of DIV games, couldn't manage to get hardly any of them to compile. The few that did had screen sizes far to big to be shrunk down to 320x240.

but flipull has no error in comiling.
super mario land does actually and super mario dx too.
Flipull? Is that some other compiler? Do games compiled with it work on GP32 Fenix?
no, with flipull i meant a fenix/div/whatever game.. that one compiled fine.
but now we know thanks to chui why the most didnt compile, so lets go on with porting :)
(bts its much easier than C or such stuff, so everyone could try porting fenix games :) )
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Chui, I was trying to compile the PRG from Ark-4 (the Arkanoid clone for download on the Fenix site) and it told me "line 120: variable already defined ("TEMP"). What should I do with this?

Also, when you said Fenix uses ":" instead of ";" is that true? Almost every line ends with a ";" and when I changed them to ":" FXC told me it expected ";". Exactly what ";" need to be replaced?
and i just encountered this error:
' Too many files specified '

I tried in cmd.exe with fxc thegame.prg -a -g thegame.dcb

ok solved that problem, another one:
it says:
error in file blabla.prg at line 123: Incorrect number of parameters (",")

the line is:

i guess it has something to do with TITEL.WAV",1 <- ..?
do i have to change the , and if yes, to what?
IntenseWage posted on Apr 7 2004 at 07:44 PM said:
Chui at I was trying to compile the PRG from Ark-4 (the Arkanoid clone for download on the Fenix site) and it told me "line 120: variable already defined ("TEMP"). What should I do with this?

Also, when you said Fenix uses ":" instead of ";" is that true? Almost every line ends with a ";" and when I changed them to ":" FXC told me it expected ";". Exactly what ";" need to be replaced?
I fixed variable already defined problems by locating that line and just deleting it. It is usually under a heading called "PRIVATE" that presumably Fenix does not use.

And no, he means you use ; instead of :
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Unknown identifier ("VSYNC")

looks like something div know but fenix doesnt... now what to type there instead? is there a page with all differences between div and fenix listed?
I don't know all diferences, but you must use:

1- my_sound=load_wav("mysound.wav");
play_wav(my_sound,0); // repeat 0 times, -1 infinite

2- No VSYNC, use set_fps(frames_per_second);