Poker Game


Mind the world, need for panic
Apr 2, 2006
The Netherlands
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I'm learning how to play poker at the moment and I really like the game. Is there a poker game which can be ported or does anyone has the time to create one? I can do all the graphical stuff such as the cards, tables, menus etc.



EDIT: I have found a sourcecode for a pokergame. Here it is...

I know shit about porting and such, so I don't know if this is usefull.
Well, if there was a poker game made, I'd like for it to not be port, but an original game, but that may just be me. However, I -do- think that a poker game would be nice, as long as it was at least a BIT pleasing to the eye and it worked well both in one and two-player (hot-"seat" twoplayer would probably work.)
Magnulus posted on Jul 9 2006 at 11:15 PM said:
I -do- think that a poker game would be nice, as long as it was at least a BIT pleasing to the eye and...

That's where I come in. I can make it look nice. :)

And to reply to freddykreuger666 post:

GameBoy graphics suck ass AND button support for more than 2 buttons would be nice, so you can play really quick.
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POKER2X - Run Log
[Session started at 2006-07-16 18:17:01 +0200.]

Initialising SDL.

Initialising players, pot, cards.

Generating deck.

Your cards: 
Pik Vier | Pik Zehn

Money in pot: 15000 | Money to bet: 0 | All-In: 0
			Bet & Money of Player Nr.0: 3000/37000
			Bet & Money of Player Nr.1: 3000/37000
			Bet & Money of Player Nr.2: 3000/37000
			Bet & Money of Player Nr.3: 3000/37000
			Bet & Money of Player Nr.4: 3000/37000

What to do? chec(k), (f)old, (c)all,(b)et,(a)ll in?

Your cards: 
Kreuz Bube | Kreuz Drei

Money in pot: 15000 | Money to bet: 0 | All-In: 0
   (OUT!)   Bet & Money of Player Nr.0: 3000/37000
			Bet & Money of Player Nr.1: 3000/37000
			Bet & Money of Player Nr.2: 3000/37000
			Bet & Money of Player Nr.3: 3000/37000
			Bet & Money of Player Nr.4: 3000/37000

What to do? chec(k), (f)old, (c)all,(b)et,(a)ll in?

Your cards: 
Pik Dame | Herz Fuenf

Money in pot: 15000 | Money to bet: 0 | All-In: 0
   (OUT!)   Bet & Money of Player Nr.0: 3000/37000
   (OUT!)   Bet & Money of Player Nr.1: 3000/37000
			Bet & Money of Player Nr.2: 3000/37000
			Bet & Money of Player Nr.3: 3000/37000
			Bet & Money of Player Nr.4: 3000/37000

What to do? chec(k), (f)old, (c)all,(b)et,(a)ll in?

How much?



Poker2x just Mac has exited with status 0.

1 Paar mit 27162110 Punkten.
Pik Zwei | Pik Drei | Kreuz Drei | Kreuz Vier | Herz Acht | Kreuz Koenig | Herz Ass

2 Paare mit 131526322 Punkten.
Pik Drei | Kreuz Drei | Kreuz Vier | Pik Vier | Karo Fuenf | Herz Acht | Herz Ass

Just some output of my debugger while running Poker2x. It is working pretty well at the moment, it's able to analyze different hands and give them points, it can simulate betting rounds with 5 players. Actually, the only things that are missing are a graphical user interface ( at the moment it's all done in the console ) and an AI.

The latter thing is the hard one, but I'm int coding ai's. But if anything here would have got a link to a document with some information about poker ai's, I'd be very grateful. After some short round of googling, I just found out that there isn't a ai that's able to beat a world class player, but I don't really think that's the target for this. I just want to read something about it before just starting coding the ai without having some other ideas next to mines.
Can't help you with the AI, but when you need the graphics, just PM me and I'll create some cards and other stuff you need. :)

Thanks for creating a Poker game DaveN! B)
NoidZ posted on Jul 16 2006 at 08:37 PM said:
Can't help you with the AI, but when you need the graphics, just PM me and I'll create some cards and other stuff you need. :)

Thanks for creating a Poker game DaveN! B)

Thanks for the offer. At first I want everything to be running correct without any big bugs. I'll use some of mine poor graphics first, if I won't finish that project ( I don't think and hope I'll not ) it would be just my work that was lost. If I'll need some graphics at the end, I'll PM you, thanks again.

Just bugged out the points analyzer and the betting engine. Now these things work correct.
At the moment I'm writing a small design document about poker a.i., one of my big failures I usually do is just to code right away without having thought about it. And with an ai, that's pretty dumb.
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