It would seem even pocket pc's etc have mame in the form of mame ce even if its just for small games cant we have this Is it completely above the power of a gp32 ???
jeez, I'm starting to get a little annoyed with people saying "Oh you must be able to do this, why don't we have it!". I mean, you're asking someone to give up months of their freetime to give you something you want.
OK, this is the Cool Ideas and Wishes board, but still realise that you're asking a lot.
I imagine that the CE version of MAME probably could be ported. I think someone is already working on port of MAME (I don't know if they're using the CE version as a base).
well, that's not strictly speaking true.... we've seen craig's simple port of 8080 mame driver ported over, all we really need is just some of the early drivers ported over to the gp32. It must be possible for the gp32 to handle the early mame drivers (pre 68k chipset) and it can't be that hard, or time consuming to port... maybe I'll look into porting some over but I'm not very good at coding!!!!
We're still talking weeks/months of somebody's time. Look at ryleh with all his ports, they've not exactly been quick have they? And they are simpler than MAME.
What you could do is email the people who have done that PocketPC port and see if any of them own a GP32 and would consider porting it?