Pandora .pnd writing to /mnt/utmp


Still Fresh
Sep 2, 2008
I've put together a .pnd for Dungeon Crawl, but I've noticed that all of its contents to /mnt/utmp! This is in addition to putting saves, settings, etc. in the appdata folder like it should. It does this every time I run it, even if I quit immediately.

It uses the following script to run:


#Taken from the PND cookbook on PandoraWiki

export HOME='pwd'

export HOME=$(pwd)

#Copy the settings, docs, etc. to appdata if they aren't already there

if [ ! -e ./settings/init.txt ] ; then

  cp -r template/* $HOME


exec terminal --fullscreen --hide-menubar --hide-toolbars --maximize -e "./bin/crawl -rc ./settings/init.txt" $*

I end up with a stone_soup folder (that's the same name as the appdata folder) in /mnt/utmp, which contains everything in appdata, plus the components of the .pnd itself -- bin/, PXML.xml, and even the icon.

I know very little about shell scripting, have I made some terrible mistake here?
It's all fine, it's supposed to do that. /mnt/utmp/appdata-name is a splice of the PND and the appdata directory. That way, the PND can see everything in its appdata directory and still see everything in the PND. Nothing is stored there, it's just an "illusion".
Oh. Well, in that case, I should just release it! :D This also explains the difficulty I had when I tried to delete it.

But would anyone happen to know to force an 11 point font in the terminal? I can run this .pnd fine, but the default 12 point terminal font won't run until the user changes this in the terminal settings.