Perhaps Something Fun To Play With In The Meantime...


Still Fresh
Oct 8, 2008
So there I was perusing the internet when I stumbled across this...

which is basically a kit that follows the standards set forth by this,

It was so completely retro that for a split second I wanted to go eat eggo waffles and watch TMNT. Anyhow, since I wasn't going to get a pandora for Christmas (I didn't have any money during preorders) I thought that it would be really fun to hang out with some of relatives and learn to write old school games :P... Originally I was thinking of putting this in the thread about needing a new gadget to pass the time. However, since its such a neat idea I figured that it needed its own.

The second thing I am wondering is that if people do start writing games for this platform would it be possible to emulate it on the pandora... :D that would make it all the more exciting!
Why bother making a emulator for a system that has no real gamebase and will not run anything you haven't seen before.

Thos it´s a fun concept to build if you like to program your own simple stuff, i probbaly will build one for fun but I do not see any reason to emulate this at all on the pandora.

That is a pretty wicked-awesome looking kit; not cheap, but not expensive either, and would be a really fun thign to mess with.

I'd have been all over this a few years ago, but I'mw ay too busy now :) But too cool.
