PCSX-ReArmed workaround r15 Lunar Silver Story Crashes

May 13, 2011

I've been having a lot of fun playing lunar, (I disabled the frame limiter to cut some time in the dungeons)

I'm at a certain boss in the game and the PCSX-ReArmed crashes right when a boss strikes me in the middle of a battle after loading a save state. I had to go back to a previous save state but had the same results.

Would a workaround to fix this be maybe export the save to a PC emulator and pass that part (hopefully) and then resume on the pandora?

Does PCSX on the PC accept saves from the openpandora? Has anyone else seen these sort of crashes? The app freezes and then I'm back to XFCE.

Thanks so much.
Could be related to Overclocking a bit too high as well, but it might also be some games crash.

The memory cards are compatible, that's for sure, don't know about savestates, but you can do this with the memcard save.
Ok I'll try it with the memcard save. (I forget to do that some times)

I tried clocking down to 750 on the pandora and in PCSX game options to the same effect.
If you could post a savestate (shortly before it happens, half a minute or so) somewhere, like to filesharing service of your choice, I could probably fix it for next release.

There is also "disable dybarec" option in advanced that might help, plus trying different GPU plugins.
Your savestate (above url) is not online anymore. I was about to try it out. How much time do you think would it ~ take to play to that crashing boss.
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I had this reproduced and had a quick look, it's not related to any ARM optimizations and would likely need a lot of research/debugging to figure out what's wrong, so not easily fixable. Maybe someday..

Lomaxx: if you want to try it too it's attached, just drop .txt extension.


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Crashes here too. Though the changes are low that the savestate is tainted, I will try to play the game that i already started a few days ago to that point without using savestates.

@Panda: Is it normal that you are wearing no weapons at the situation?
I made it to the same ingame-position with my savegame and got through the battle, which crashes with your sstate, without issues. I can't tell right now if i simply have been lucky or if it always works with my savegame, because I was down with health and magic. So I just casted Lunas "Escape Song"-spell to skip the battle as fast as possible and was surprised to see that you can indeed end the battle this way (worked for me on the first try).

 So the good news is that there is a way to pass it. I will also try it again soon fighting for longer and defeating the beasts.

(wrote the following with further knowledge since I was trying stuff while playing)

With that success I also tried to load your sstate, save the game by using the ingame-save-mechanism, end the emulator, load the saved game (not the sstate) and continue to play. And I managed to easily slay all beasts in maybe 3-4 round of automatic AI-combat. No crash.

I recommend to try the same. If this does not work for you. Then you should try a different copy. I have the vague feeling that your copy is flawed and that the savestate brought in something that makes the game crash. If it does work for you then it means IMHO that the savestate-mechanism is not bulletproof and you always have to be careful about using it.

I will level some more in that magic tower and then try it again with my savestate. If i run into problems (crashes) with my game then I will report.

And if you want my savegame to continue playing (though I didn't try to get the best out of my chars or the items), then let me know and I will upload the memcard. Edit: Or I play your sstate through that battle.
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Is the save state at the part where you are fighting those red devil looking creatures? That's the main boss battle I can't get passed.
yes. It is. AFAIK it's the same savestate that you uploaded before, Panda. Read the following spoiler to verify that:

After loading the savestate you stand in this blue crystal room in front of stairs leading up. By going up you enter the starchamber with the circle-runes on the floor. A cutscene starts. The bad dudes force Luna to sing her song. Your party rushes in in between. Bad dudes go "what? you dare to disturb", Mia(?) goes "ha i got that mirror of truth", bad dude: "haha pathetic", luna: "oh no it broke.", her mother manages to remove the cursed mask. ... and so on ... bad dudes "well this sucks, we are out of here. beam me up scotty", green demon-like beasts appear and rush towards you and like a miracle are suddenly red in the battle.

Something like this. ;) Oh, and the party-characters are level ~20. At least that's what i recall.

So try my instructions above to see if you can use them to get past the battle. And tell me whether it helped or not.
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