

Still Fresh
Apr 26, 2003
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hi, i was wondering if u guys had some good sites for downloading pcengine roms?i looked on google and either the link is dead or i have to pay, so 'im waiting for u :P
it builds the excitement. when i was downloading roms i dled like 30 of them and i had a 30 minute wait. so when the first dl wait was over the rest were ready to go also. If you look around on the classicgaming site it gives you a list of good games in categories and has a little review ex:adventure/action/rpg/simulation/sports/etc
if you get street fighter 2 working correctly let me know what you did different. mine works but the characters are fuzzy and everything else works
I downloaded a 100mb-ish rar file from direct connect that had the entire romset, I recommend looking for it.
Do you realize swaping rom's site will probably get hando to ban you or to remove the forum. and if someone else find the roms and they are his (or his companies) hando might have to shutdown. :(
Miles McCloud posted on May 2 2003 said:
I downloaded a 100mb-ish rar file from direct connect that had the entire romset, I recommend looking for it.
can you give me the name of the server you got it from?
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If you wanna buy the Original Carts try looking on Ebay - I've seen a load on there going fairly cheap. Also if your really lucky some shops sell the retro games (GameStation in the UK for example normally have a good selection).