Pandora Day-1 Help


Still Fresh
Jun 2, 2006

I received my OpenPandora this morning, I have pretty much everything setup and working correctly but I need a bit of help.

How in the heck do I setup UAE4ALL? I have my kickstarts I have my .adf's  but I have no idea where to put them?

Similar issues with Dosbox with DboxFE. I'm using Wing Commander Privateer (downloaded from GoG) as my test game. Where do I put the games files and how do I run it?

What the heck are the controls for Scummvm?

Can Mednafen run turbografx cd games and if so how do I set up the bios?

Also what are the basic shortcuts and such I should know for using the system day to day? I'm assuming there is a way of higher and lowering the brightness I'm missing!

Look closely at the keys.

If you press (then release) Fn in the bottom right then the next button you press will do whatever is written on it in blue.

U --> dim screen

I --> make screen brighter

Q --> Escape

space --> tab

, --> ;


Also note that the left and right shoulder buttons are mapped to shift and control respectively - this makes typing a lot quicker :)
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  well  gratz on getting your pandora wish i could help on the emu's listed but i myself never really messed with them. was going to help with the keys but i see binky beat me too it. anyways welcome aboard haze
What the heck are the controls for Scummvm?
ScummVM uses the nubs to emulate the mouse (L=Movement, R=Buttons) or the touch screen which is my preference.

This is for Point & Click adventures that I have tried.
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Most programs have some helpful info that ends up under 'documentation' in the menu when you have the pnd in place, usually the directions for file placement will be in that, otherwise your best bet would be to check the release thread for that program in the Software News part of this forum, the first post in the relevant pnd's thread will usually tell you all you need to know, if not somebody will have asked shortly thereafter!

With UAE4all it doesn't matter where you keep your adf files, you can navigate your way to them within the file selector/launcher. I like to keep roms for pnds that don't need them in a specific folder (the various MAMEs require roms in their own ROMS folder for example), in a 'roms' folder in the root of the sd card - makes it easier to clean out the appdata folder for that pnd when the need arises.

The kick.rom has to go in uae4all's appdata folder, which will have been created the first time it was run, if you look in there it should be pretty apparent - the folder it goes into is called 'kickstarts'

so the path to on your card goes:


and paste it in there (information correct last time I checked!)

On the repo there is almost always a direct link to that pnd's release thread in the 'extra information' or 'descripton' boxes.

Scummvm as mentioned, uses touchscreen or nubs to mimic mouse control, and the various dialog boxes for savestates, quitting etc are reached with either the Pandora's START/ALT, SELECT/CTRL or A/B/X/Y gamepad buttons on the right (I forget which does what, but they do perform key functions!).
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Similar issues with Dosbox with DboxFE. I'm using Wing Commander Privateer (downloaded from GoG) as my test game. Where do I put the games files and how do I run it?
Its setup to use appdata folder 'dosbox/games'. If you run the PND once those folders should be created. Then just copy the dos game folder there.
There is a new wrinkle now, Dosbox with DboxFE won't start at all. I'm getting "Mounting or PND failed. The application won't start. Please have a look at /tmp/pndrun_dosbox.out".

Any idea what's gone wrong?
If I remember correctly DOSbox puts 2 icons in your menu, have you tried both?

I can't help past downloading the PND again and removing the appdata folder for DOSbox.

But if you copy and paste the text from the /tmp/pndrun_dosbox.out file here (in a spoiler tab) someone more technically adept will be able to help you.
I have indeed tried both. Frankly I'm mystified.

Another question. The Pandora seems to use some kind of audio processing to enhance audio coming from its speakers. Works well for the most part but can be quite ugly in some games (like Link to the Past). Is there anyway of turning it off?
Also how the heck do  I access Gambatte's options for scalers and such? It comes with no documentation.
Never tried that emulator but from the repo it says this: To edit config, press Esc and find the settings tab.

ESC = press and release FN (lower right) then press Q key.