Pandora Pandora Control Code Example


Mega GP Mania
May 30, 2006
Detroit, Michigan
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Its what im using for the quake engine, but it should be enough for anyone to add pandora controls and even usb mouse/keyboard.
The nub code is still pretty rough, im hoping the new nubs work better.

Its based off notaz's wiki page and source.
Feel free to ask any q's
skeezix posted on May 19 2009 at 04:11 PM said:
I'll take a peek later; if it can easily be merged into libpnd I'll take care of it.
If you do, cleanup pnd_type.h (you can probably even remove it).
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Pickle -- did you mean for this to GPL, or do you need to change it to LGPL?

I have (so far) made libpnd LGPL, so that comercial folks have the option to muck with it without getting all leary and complicated. As such I can't directly merge this into libpnd right now, but I bet you meant LGPL anyway.

(lipnd shoudl be LGPL, right? I thought about makign it pure GPL, which would make my heart happier asfter working on it, but I also don't want to hang anyone down the road.)


Pickle -- also,k you've got all those Q1 Q2 Q3 #ifdefs in there; I've not looked carefully, but looks like I should go with Q1 (as simplest) and then remove all that stuff :P

For consistency to libpnd, I may make the function names lowercase too (pnd_ instead of PND_)

I'll do some quick hacks, but not too much time to test. I'm wondering if we can merge it into libpnd in such a way where you can somehow use it for Q1 Q2 Q3, without having to embed gunk into it :)
well personally I dont really care how anyone uses it, I thought one could use GPL stuff in commercial projects as long as they link statically and provide any modified source code? I only think no matter who uses it, they have to provide and modifications no matter how its used. Anyone using it shouldnt be do anything other than dynamically linking since using a static version could mess someone system up if it became too outdated right?
Technically it might come down to what Notaz decides as my code was based off his examples.
Now I remember why i dont care too much for the legal jumbo ;-)
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GPL means they have to supply full source (of entire loinked stuff) on release.

LGPL means they can link the .so (say) and not have to release any source; if they change the .so, they have to release the source to that.

So GPL is pretty painful to commercial, but LGPL means they only give back source to the stuff they're adopting. LGPL is the way to go.

(I think it is stil legally unclear if you get GPL and wrap it into a .so and then hand that out as open source.. it really should be GPL static link, or LGPL dynamic link.)

libpnd is therefore LGPL so any change to it shoudl be returned, but there is no fear of forcing open source on commercial work that merely links to it.

It is also possible to dual license it. This way people are able to choose which terms they want to distribute the software under when using the Pandora control code.
It is also possible to dual license it. This way people are able to choose which terms they want to distribute the software under when using the Pandora control code.
While it's an option, it could lead to other problems. If someone would release changes to the GPL-version under the GPL, those changes could not be used in the LGPL-version.
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