Palm Emu?


Dec 27, 2003
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i think it would be really cool to have a palm emu. i bought a palm V a while back (maily for gaming) and found some great freeware for it. now my palm is pointless because of my gp32. one of my favorite games was space trader - here is the description for it on
Space Trader is a complex space trading strategy game. The player starts out with a small space ship, armed with one simple laser, and 1000 credits in cash. The safest and easiest way to earn money is to trade goods between neighbouring solar systems. If the player chooses the goods to trade wisely, it isn't too difficult to sell them with a profit. There are other ways to get rich, though. You might become a bounty hunter and hunt down pirates. It is also possible to become a pirate yourself and rob honest traders of their cargo. Beware, though: pirating is a way to get rich quickly, but the police force will go after you.
Space Trader is available in color, in grayscales and in black & white.
it would be great if someone could port it to GP32 of if there is something similar on an emulator.

heres the link to space trader if anyone's interested space trader
A lot of people are pretty intersted in turning the GP into a palm, personally i dont see the need, it's already a multi gaming system, a MP3 player and movie veiwer. I dont expect to read things or take notes on it (even though I apparently can with applications already writtein for it).

Personally I saw the zodiac, concidered it and passed on it, why? Because I already had a dedicated PDA and a GBA, why do I have a GP? because it does stuff the GBA dosent do and it's less expensive and less redundant than the Zodiac for my purposes.

Frankly, the GP is a versitile machine that already dose quite a bit on its own without a palm emmulator.
I fancied the zodiac, and then realised it was over priced unless you use the PDA functions. I already have an adequate PDA, so it wasn't worth it. It isn't that much more powerfull to make it worth the purchase, until some killer releases that is :)