Overclocking Hex Table Needed From Gp32world


Active Member
Sep 29, 2003
I am looking for the hex table for overclocking old fxe's that was on www.gp32world.co.uk, now that the site is down.

I believe it was made by nomod.

I am hoping to mess with the clock speeds of some games to get rid of the right side bar for blu+, and have heard sometimes that a slight change in speed has cleared the issue in other programs, like bolkatoid.

Either an attachment, or maybe a dump directly into this forum would be great.
MHz       CPU Speed       CPU Parameters
40         005A6202        12000200
40         005A6202        13800400
40         005A6202        11C00000
40         005A6202        10200000
50         80F0FA02        12A00200
60         00879303        12400300
66         8014EF03        12A03A00
66         8014EF03        12C00700
70         801D2C04        12E00300
80         00B4C404        11000200
90         804A5D05        11500200
100        00E1F505        11A00200
110        80778E06        11F00200
120        000E2707        11400300
130        80A4BF07        11900300
132        0029DE07        11A00300
132        0029DE07        10900100
132        0029DE07        12C00700
133        406BED07        31700600
140        003B5808        10B00100
144        00449508        11000400
150        80D1F008        11300400
156        005F4C09        11600400
160        00688909        11800400
166        80F5E409        11B00400
168        007A030A        11C00400
172        0083400A        11E00400
176        008C7D0A        10400200
180        0095BA0A        10500200
188        00A7340B        10700200
192        00B0710B        10800200
200        00C2EB0B        10A00200

damn, now my hand hurts. Had to type everything by hand!
Thank you very, very much.

I believe it only helps with the right side of the screen flicker, like in giana's sisters, where it is a slight timing issue, not a perfect fix, but a possibility.

It doesn't do anything for the blu+ bar on the top quarter of the screen, though (I think).