Openbox: cannot set keyboard repeat rate/mouse threshold and pandors key kills PNDs instead of openi


Jul 9, 2011
Hey guys, just wondering if anyone else has seen these problems.

When pressing the pandora key, it kills all open PNDs like in minimenu instead of opening the pandora menu, which is odd because it has only recently started doing this - pressing the pandora key used to open the menu just like in Xfce. It's something to do with the key binding because when enabling the warlock bar and pressing the "Menu" dock icon on it, all open PNDs are killed instead of opening the menu.

Also, I can't set the keyboard repeat delay or rate. I tried opening the xfce keyboard settings from the terminal but the settings take no effect even though they do when in Xfce, and typing "xset r rate 250 35" into the terminal just gives me "server does not have extension for "r rate" option". Trying to change the double-click and drag threshold for the touchscreen is similar.

Cheers guys for any help
I guess you already did a reflash, but I'll post this anyway for the reference. You need to check if /usr/pandora/scripts/ is called at all when you press the button. If so, you probably played with the script and screwed it up. If not, it's probably not worth the trouble checking all xcfe config files to discover where the problem is, so reflash.

BTW, the console command you tried doesn't work on my system either
try this, it works for me :

1- switch to xfce desktop

2- re install open box via the pnd

3 - switch back to openbox

4 - test
Thank you, this did the trick. Without overwriting any of my configs either. And no, I thankfully didn't do a reflash before this. Cheers :)