Online Gaming

How do you like to play?

  • Free for all

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  • Team play

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Feb 17, 2004
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Just interested, I love team play myself.

Note: No "mad" option, 'cause I want to know your real opinion.

EDIT: Just thought I'd expand a little.

I like team games because I have some one to back me up, and there is no greater feeling than pulling off a perfect move, such as filling a warthog and having your plane (forget the name) come behind you for protection, then robbing the flag.

Team play can be wreaked by one asshole though, so you need to be careful who you play with.

Games I like for team play:
Halo (PC)
Battlefield 1942 (PC)
Socom 2 (PS2)
finty posted on Apr 14 2005 at 09:35 PM said:
Going to be playing CS:S soon, I hope I can get a good team together.

definitely team play, i hope the ds gets something like SOF, that would be sooooooo cool for a subway wan party

EdiT :Rephrased a little
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When I LAN we`ll usually play on teams vs the computer like on unreal 2004. Its a lot more fun killing 20 people instead of 3 or 4 :-) and working as a team lets everyone win! (or lose). I hate people that just love to be cocky about it. I know if I am not playing a FPS and am playing a strategy game like Generals or something like that I`ll usually suicide if the game is taking forever.
My student house is networked....quake 2, No one lives forever, Grandtheft Auto, Red Alert, CS:Source(the two of us who can run it that is). The fun never stops in Twimfy's neverland...except I don't touch children.
FFonline was ruined for me cos of teamplay, you'd wait around for hours waiting for a party, then it could be full of idiots!

No, solo for me!!!

(anyone played WoW yet?)
lubidog posted on Apr 15 2005 at 08:28 AM said:
FFonline was ruined for me cos of teamplay, you'd wait around for hours waiting for a party, then it could be full of idiots!

No, solo for me!!!

(anyone played WoW yet?)

Me and my housemate were Beta testers...Have been playing since December...not been on for a while though, they reset stats and profile for the commercial release, so can't really be fucked to go through trails of collecting copper and killing wolves.

Tis a good game though.
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i had SOF but i gave it bak cause it froze when i went online... anyway myopinion is anonomously team play!!! i'v got CS the first one and play it every day... i think playing free for all is boring cause you mostly die strait away by the pros who have been playing it since they were born....

i more of a cs man then any other game... any one have the first one i wouldt mind having a match:) we can do 1 on 1 that though cause we can see whos better ect... :0