OMF (One Must Fall)


Forum Addict!
Oct 3, 2008
I remember months and months ago someone mentioned that this had or was going to go open source. Does anyone know if it did or if it can be ported?

I remember playing this back in '95 on a PS/2 P75 lugable with an orange plasma screen, 486/33, 4MB (not GB) of RAM, 400MB of SCSI disk and an XGA-II adapter. That machine barely had the CPU to playback MP3 files. I'm betting the Pandora could play OMF quite nicely.

So - does anyone know anything about it?
Ive never heard that source would ever be released. The game itself has been released as freeware and can be playable in dosbox on pandora.
Ive never heard that source would ever be released. The game itself has been released as freeware and can be playable in dosbox on pandora.

Ahh - OK, that must have been it. Where is a reliable source to DL the freeware version from?

Thank you!