Noob In Need Of Advice

Wizzy Gumage

Still Fresh
Jun 19, 2009
south wales
hi everyone its nice to be here (god i sound like im giving a speech at a wedding lol) new to all this i was thinking is there any good books out there for me to learn how to develop games.....because i want to have a little knowlegde wen the sdk is released....plz help also i feal inferior to the rest of the members due to no knowledge lol....plz help... :D new to all this i was thinking is there any good books out there for me to learn how to develop games.....because i want to have a little knowlegde wen the sdk is released....
Fastest results will be reached with Fenix and GLBasic...
Many (all?) Games by Ruckage are programmed in Fenix and they are very professional.
I programmed Tetwiz with GLBasic :lol: ...

C++ is very hard to learn if you have never programmed before. But if you are willing you could give it a try, too.
Try google, there are a lot of sites concerning this language...
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artax tha link is for a book the very hungry catepillar lol....anyway thanks for help guys it nice to know its out there when i need it many thanks
actually it was a ver good book after all thnks for the link rly enjoyed reading it lol i fink ill go onto cliford the big RED dog next lol
What the book hint was supposed to suggest is:
You cannot develop games from scratch. You need to learn how to code first. The Basics. You will need to create all kind of useless crap to learn your language of choice, and once you are familar with it, you may create your first game. And that first game will be no 3D game or anything, most likely a Tetris game. I'd suggest you go with some Basic dialect if you are new to programming and aim to have your first Tetris clone done in 6-12 months depending on the amount of time you are willing to invest.
because i want to have a little knowlegde wen the sdk is released
I thought it was already released, GPH style. "Here's SDL and GCC, see ya".
Actually they havnt officially provided either. GCC is either the old gp2x version or the new one based on an Orkie crosstool script. SDL was developed by Puck for GPH, but they only leaked the source to some people. Of course the binaries are in the firmwares. Since most of us are linking dynamically we only needed the binaries on the hardware when it was running.
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