That Guy!
So, I went to launcher on my Wiz (FW 1.2.6, stupid upgrade
) but didn't realize I had removed my SD card. No big problem, but it tried to automatically switch to the NAND to find, also nothing! Ok, didn't think much of it, but then I was lazy and decided instead of finding my SD card I'll just go to the built-in games section and play animatch, only to find NOTHING! Weird, ok, so I got my SD card, played some games and then figured I'd hook it up to the computer to copy the stuff I had on NAND back over, only to find it's impossible for me to now mount my NAND... WTF!!!?!
So heads up guys, besides stupid fixes that don't help whatsoever, there's also some awesome new bugs (unless this is an old one I didn't hear about
So heads up guys, besides stupid fixes that don't help whatsoever, there's also some awesome new bugs (unless this is an old one I didn't hear about